
Has anyone here started to Plateau. I have been doing great with staying within my calorie limit and today i weighed myself and I had gained a pound! sooo devastating. Just wondering if anyone has stopped losing weight and what you did. I have read that if you change it up everyday that your body wont adapt to the calories


  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    How long have you seen the same weight? I know i freak out if i see the same or a gain in a week but ive heard a real plateau is much longer like weeks...The other day on the biggest loser Bob (a trainer) said to switch up your workouts like if u do cardio first then strengh training, to do strength training first then cardio. I dont know how that would make a difference but apparently it does.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    I have found that my weightloss tends to level off every 18 to 22 pounds. I just continue meeting my exercise and calories goals, and when it starts moving again, it really moves! Good luck and don't get discouraged. Remember... it's a numbers game... as long as what goes in is less than what burns off, you are going to lose!
  • FitLady4u
    FitLady4u Posts: 4 Member
    I can't seem to lose anymore either... I only have 4lbs to go to get to my original goal, but I think I would like to change my goal go an additional 5 more after that, so that means I have 9lbs to go and I am at a total standstill. I think I'm going to try to add more strength training and see if that helps. I also tried upping my calories for a couple days at a time, but that didn't help me out :grumble: Oh well, hopefully the additional strength training will. Good luck :smile: Let's hang in there! In the end, despite what that scale says, what's important is that we've already acheived so much, and dang that feels good!:drinker: