NO Weightloss



  • SuperSaiyanGoddess86
    SuperSaiyanGoddess86 Posts: 84 Member
    well i am 90 lbs over weight i am 25 230 lbs an d 5'2 in height my goal weight is 140
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Listen to your body, take 1-2 rest days a week. You run a high risk of getting injured, and when it happens you will not be able to work out for weeks, possibly months, and will be sooo angry at yourself for getting hurt (I speak from personal experience)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Being honest here: I started at 250 (and I am a little taller than you). I exercise 3X for and hour (evenly split between interval cardio and strength training). And maybe add another 1-2 hours of walking during the week. This is my right amount or exercise to maintain permanently. It is working well, I am not spending all my time in the gym and I am losing 1-2 pounds a week (since January).

    Slow and steady wins the race for weight loss.