Chef Abitino and my new Healthy Habits

Hello everyone, Just recently I have made a total life change. What I thought was a little over weight I discovered at the age I am I was a target for later high health risks. At about 40-50 pounds over weight I knew it was time for me to make a change, A healthy change. I have tried diets before and lost weight but as soon as I got comfortable I gained it all back. This happened several times till I gave up on all these crazy diets, and believe me I have tried many. I needed something that would make me happy and for the long term. So I started to research online, not for diets but for life changing healthy choices. Just like many habits we have I needed to add a Healthy Habit!

In February I decided to start my life change. As a Chef This was going to be much easier for me so why didn't I think of this before? Because people that go out to eat in restaurants don't think Healthy. You may say I'm wrong but I have years of facts behind my theory. Even though many establishments might advertise healthy, smart, low calorie foods you need to realize what is in that food that is not healthy. Yes you might think well when I got out to eat I have a salad. But these Salads average over a 1000 calories. Their dressing might be low fat, cholesterol free, and 0 calories but its the ingredients in them that make it harmful for us. They are using Hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners and other ingredients we can't even pronounce. These are all harmful to our bodies.

So what I did different is I needed to make my own ingredients. You are probably thinking why when its so much easier to buy and cheaper. I disagree on both, because as I said in the beginning this is a long term life change. If you where to add all the monies you save for the next 10-15 years you might think "well I saved over $25,000. in that time. But then it hits you. Now you are about 50 to 60 years of age and you have discovered you have health problems, that no amount of money will do at this point.

I wanted to avoid this..........

Wow I wrote too much
Well if you want to know more just post and let me know.. I will gladly do so...