Counting Calories?

I have been counting my calories everyday and working out. My calorie requirement is set at 1640 a day to lose 1.5lbs a week. Lately I have been noticing I am not losing any weight (but I'm not gaining either).

My question is I have 1640 calories a day. When I work out and burn 700 calories am I supposed to consume those 700 calories along with the 1640 or just eat the 1640?

The 700 is just an example. I would say I burn about 400 to 1000 a day depending on what I am doing. I do a light walk/jog Saturday morning and use Saturday night and all day Sunday as rest days.


  • if you consume 1640....and you burn need to consume those 700 that youve just burnt brandon,to get back upto the 1640 otherwise youve dropped waaaaay below what your body needs:wink:
  • Yes. Eat the calorieS you have burned. Make sure your information is accurate though before you do. Being off by even as little as a 100 calories can make an impact in weight loss
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Can't see your diary or your ticker so it's hard to tell.

    If you've lost a significant amount of weight (say 10% of your original bodyweight) your metabolism may now have fallen enough that you are eating at maintenance instead of at a deficit. Try recalculating your goals with your current weight and see if your allotted calories come down.

    If you haven't lost much weight (i.e if you've only been at this for a few weeks) you may be eating too much sodium and not drinking enough water. This will cause fluid retention that will mask the true weight loss on the scale reading. Again, without having your diary open it's hard to tell.
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't eat all of mine back but I eat at least half. I figure I have probably overestimated my calories burn (I don't have a HRM) and I have probably underestimated my calorie intake somewhere. So I try to find a balance between the two and for me it's only eating back half. I have been consistently losing 1lb a week or more doing so.