I ate bacon and I loved it!

Yep, true bacon. That fatty stuff. It was the bomb. Today was my day to eat it and I did. You know what I feel not even one inkling of guilt. This week I have burned 1000 calories or more per day working out/cardio for 2 plus hours. It fit in my daily menu and it tasted so good. My gallbladder or intestines my set up a war but for now I will enjoy. I might have bacon once or twice a year. Turkey bacon I may have a little more often than that, but I have worked my *kitten* off and deserved every bit of it. Who says you have to give up everything you want. You don't you just have to take care not to overindulge too often.

After my 1000 calorie burn and after my bacon I still had the energy enough to go for what I thought was going to be a short walk and ended up I walked into the heart of the city 2 miles away and back and totally loved that too.

Have a wonderful day everyone. I know I did.


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I eat bacon nearly every day. I love it.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I love bacon. I can eat bacon for a snack.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I have bacon almost every morning with breakfast. I've actually been sad because it hasn't been on sale for awhile and I'm down to the last few slices in the last pack I had in the freezer, so I've been rationing it a bit more. I may have to break down and just pay full price for some soon.

    Nothing wrong with real bacon. I don't mind turkey bacon, but nothing is the same as real bacon.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    3 eggs and 2 slices of thick cut bacon is part of breakfast every morning.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I had bacon today too! Yummy~!!
  • arctiknitter
    arctiknitter Posts: 119 Member
    I ate bacon, too! Two slices for breakfast. Used to be I would cook up a pound or more and husband and I would eat it all.
    Now I cook two slices each for the occasional breakfast. We're getting used to having it that way and we look forward to the treat.
    I'm very careful to fit it into my calorie limit.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I have bacon almost every morning with breakfast. I've actually been sad because it hasn't been on sale for awhile and I'm down to the last few slices in the last pack I had in the freezer, so I've been rationing it a bit more. I may have to break down and just pay full price for some soon.

    Nothing wrong with real bacon. I don't mind turkey bacon, but nothing is the same as real bacon.

    Real bacon is better than turkey bacon. I have to check to see if the Dollar Tree sells bacon.