In 10 weeks, 0pounds lost but lost 10% body fat

Of course I'm very happy about losing 10% body fat and figured I was building muscle and losing fat since I dropped a size. Can anyone tell me how long this can last? Shouldn't I start losing weight soon?

Here's my routine:
4-5 x a week i do 69 min Cardio elliptical (interval training)
25 pound kettle bell swings 50 each 3 x week
Core toning with hand weights 3-4 times a week

I work at a desk job but I have a fit bit and try for at least 10,000 steps a day, 5 miles of distance and at least burn 2300-2500 on cardio days. I don't have the average handy but I'd guess a conservative 2,100 calorie burn per day

My goal is 1400 calories intake and I usually try to eat at least half my additional exercise calories

Any suggestions on how to get the lbs to drop or should I confine what I'm doing and eventually the continued loss of body fat will spur weight loss?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    if i lost that much body fat in 10 weeks i honestly wouldnt care about losing weight.

    it's not like you carry a scale around with you to buy clothes or your body looks at the number on the scale to determine how to deal with the insulin your pancreas makes or that your heart is going to go by your scale weight to determine how hard it needs to pump and affect your blood pressure. all those things are affected by FAT, not necessarily how much of a gravitation pull the earth exerts on you :wink:

    but really, i think most of the gains you are seeing in muscle creation are the newbie gains people get when they first start working out. eventually you will need to work harder to create muscle, so eventually it's going to be you retaining muscle (not building new muscle) but continuing to shed body fat. at that point you'll probably start seeing some loss on the scale.

    so basically just stick with what you're doing since it seems to be working
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,211 Member
    Congratulations!!! I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm very impressed by your progress. Probably your best bet would be to visit a nutritionist to help you fine tune your diet, otherwise, just take time to experiment with changing the %'s of your macros, maybe? Some people calorie spike, or vary high and low calorie days in a week......with success. When I was in the losing stage, I mixed it up, but not on purpose, (weekends and celebrations : 0 ) and it didn't hurt my weight loss effort.
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks so much. I think the results just kind of confused me a bit. I guess part of my confusion is I've never really tracked body fat before unless you count monitoring how my clothes fit

    I'm really a results type person so seeing the scale move or seeing actual measurements shrink on my measuring tape really motivates and gives me a concrete idea of progress. me. So, i guess I'm trying to figure out how to track my progress in the future. My YMCA class ended yesterday so I don't have access to their scale that tracks body fat.

    So, tracking lbs is a really easy way to monitor progress but I'm starting to think that's not the right measurement for me until I get to the tipping point.