New Girl

Hi, new to this site. I know of some people who use the app on the iphone so i downloaded it. It was also recommended by my bariatric doctor. (i have started looking into gastric bypass) I'm 5*5 and 265. I'm a single mom, work and I am in nursing school and life sucks right now!!! I eat out of vending machines and rarely have a home cooked meal. Just looking for some people to encourage me and who understand the battle of the bulge. I love muay thai kickboxing and lost a great deal of weight doing it, but real life of work and school plus the little guy keep me busy. My first goal is to drop 20lbs by May.(I graduate May 11)
If anyone has any tips of excercise(i hate stationary things = treadmill,eliptical - thats why i loved the boxing) or recipes just any thing I can do differently - please dont hesitate to tell me.
I wish everyone success on their path to losing weight and becoming healthier!



  • TTcarey
    TTcarey Posts: 43 Member
    ZUMBA!!! ZUMBA !!!!!! Zumba
    and don't go for the surgery! You can do this
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    u in right place ... feel free to add if ya like to.. good luck with your journey
  • I hope you're able to keep up with the kickboxing! I love that kind of "me" time :) You can do it!!