Does anyone else do this

Ever since I started dieting I've been watching the food channel more and more. When I wasn't dieting i watched every now and then but now it can be hours in a day. Anyone else notice this?


  • ceaton80
    ceaton80 Posts: 37
    Just dont watch Man vs Food! That show makes me hungry!
  • OhioMade
    OhioMade Posts: 48 Member
    Yes! It's like porn for dieters!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I've been a long-standing fan of several Food Network shows and still watch even now. I may say "ooh that looks good" or "I really want some of that" but it doesn't affect me in reality. I like watching them because I like seeing what people can do with food. Though I will echo Man v Food and his other show make me drool a bit, especially if it's steak. I don't eat a lot of red meat, never have, so it kind of kicks up a minor craving.