Stay-at-Home Moms/Dads---5/11--5/17



  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Hi everyone! Im Courtney, a SAHM to 8 and 7 year old boys and a 2 year old daughter! Im also a military wife, vegetarian, photographer, dog lover to my yellow lab and I recently became a runner =) I used to HATE running, but now I crave it and im just finished my goal (accually I was over by a mile!) and completed 11 miles this week!
    My family and I are living in Okinawa Japan and loving EVERY second of it! If we could, we would stay here forever!!!
    My husband and I are HS sweethearts! We have been married for 9 years and we are not even in our 30's yet =)
    Anyway, enought blabbing... just wanted to intorduce myself!

    Your story is similar to mine! I married my HS sweetheart too, next month will be our 11 year anniversary and we're not in our 30's either!!!

    Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    Stacey: I'm so sorry to hear you have the flu, but glad it's nothing more!! Get LOTS of rest. Happy to hear you have great sitters, too! And no worries about me - I don't feel horrible EVERY day. It's hard to explain, but you just kinda get used to it, which is what I meant by "normalcy". BUT I have just as many good days as bad. Crazy enough, I also RARELY get sick with normal illnesses. Something my doctors have never been able to figure out! Lupus is an autoimmune disease, so our immune systems are weak. Yet I usually stay clear. Then again, I'm also the queen of antibacterial agents and hand washing! So they say that could be a big factor. I hope you get better VERY soon!!! (((hugs))) :flowerforyou:

    Katy: I understand EXACTLY what you mean. I was back on track before I got pregnant again. Was excercising daily, eating well and as soon as I got pregnant, it all went downhill. Or shall I say UPhill?! I also splurged WAY too much and I'm thinking it's going to take me forever to get this weight off! So far, I'm remaining steady. I'm afraid to reach the plateau and hope I don't for quite sometime!!

    Courtney: 11 miles?! I'm still trying to motivate myself to get back to ONE mile! :laugh: You are definitely great motivation. Congrats to you and your hubby/high school sweetheart. That is a HUGE milestone! :heart:

    Brenda: I'm 5 pounds away from losing my pregnancy weight, but would LOOOVE to lose more on top of that. How old is your baby girl? My son is just reaching those teething stages, too. So conveniently - he just started sleeping through the night a few weeks ago! He's not too bad yet, but I'm just waiting for the storm to hit!

    AND exactly as you said, Brenda, great motto - "Let's become moms and dads who have amzing energy for our children!!!" That is my goal, too! AND my husband's, he's doing this along with me.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! My husband and I will be married 11 years this August. We weren't HS sweethearts. We didn't meet until after I graduated college. But we were engaged 3 months after we met, and then married 6 months after that! We just knew:love:

    I too tried Weight Watchers before I had kids. I had great success the first time. Then I got pregnant with my son. Tried again later, with little success, found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I tried again about a year ago and lost 10 lbs during the summer, but then I started having problems trying to find time to make a meeting each week. I finally gave up, and ended up gaining the weight back. I got a treadmill for Mother's Day, and I'm determined to lose the weight for good!
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    Determination is the key! At least for me it is.

    Just wondering if anyone knows what they are having for dinner? Another plus for me that comes with this LIFESTYLE CHANGE(that's what I am convincing myself it is - NOT a diet), is that I am actually cooking more and trying new recipes. I found this one and was wondering how it sounds!

    Chicken Crunch

    1 can of canned chicken breast (OR 4 chicken breasts chopped)
    1 can cream of chicken
    1- 8 oz container light sour cream
    1/2 cup butter (optional)
    1 cup crushed cornflakes (it calls for butter crackers, but i always replace those things)

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    Mix soup and sour cream - pour over chicken
    Add cornflake(or cracker) topping
    Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes

    Optional Add-ins: Peas, cheese

    I entered the nutritional content and if it makes 4 servings, there are 356.5 calories per serving. I think I want to try it!! I may add peas!

    By the way, don't know if any of you have ever made the "baked fried chicken". You coat it with crushed cornflakes, then bake. I've been making it a few weeks and it is SO good. You can't tell it's cornflakes!

    Note to self: Stop looking at recipes and looking at food while hungry. :grumble:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi everyone! Im Courtney, a SAHM to 8 and 7 year old boys and a 2 year old daughter! Im also a military wife, vegetarian, photographer, dog lover to my yellow lab and I recently became a runner =) I used to HATE running, but now I crave it and im just finished my goal (accually I was over by a mile!) and completed 11 miles this week!
    My family and I are living in Okinawa Japan and loving EVERY second of it! If we could, we would stay here forever!!!
    My husband and I are HS sweethearts! We have been married for 9 years and we are not even in our 30's yet =)
    Anyway, enought blabbing... just wanted to intorduce myself!

    do you know the Nordell's?? heather nordell with daughters bella and evie? they are stationed in okinawa, too. if you do--say hi from stacey in vegas. if not--get to meet them--they are really nice folks!

    welcome! and thank you for your family's service. :flowerforyou:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Determination is the key! At least for me it is.

    Just wondering if anyone knows what they are having for dinner? Another plus for me that comes with this LIFESTYLE CHANGE(that's what I am convincing myself it is - NOT a diet), is that I am actually cooking more and trying new recipes. I found this one and was wondering how it sounds!

    Chicken Crunch

    1 can of canned chicken breast (OR 4 chicken breasts chopped)
    1 can cream of chicken
    1- 8 oz container light sour cream
    1/2 cup butter (optional)
    1 cup crushed cornflakes (it calls for butter crackers, but i always replace those things)

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    Mix soup and sour cream - pour over chicken
    Add cornflake(or cracker) topping
    Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes

    Optional Add-ins: Peas, cheese

    I entered the nutritional content and if it makes 4 servings, there are 356.5 calories per serving. I think I want to try it!! I may add peas!

    By the way, don't know if any of you have ever made the "baked fried chicken". You coat it with crushed cornflakes, then bake. I've been making it a few weeks and it is SO good. You can't tell it's cornflakes!

    Note to self: Stop looking at recipes and looking at food while hungry. :grumble:

    Wow! That sounds awesome AND easy! I would love to try this. I REALLY need to get groceries. For me, I think I'll add in spinach. I love spinach in these types of dishes. Also, I don't know if you've ever tried panko bread crumbs, but THEY ROCK. It gives a wonderful flavor and crunch and is healthier than breadcrumbs. Also, the butter, I wouldn't put that much butter. I don't really see the need. I'd use light soup and fat free sour cream. If you use the reg. cream soup, you could do 1/2 of the soup and 1/2 of low-fat buttermilk. That would REALLY add great flavor.

    I'm glad to see that you're of the same thought process as me. I, too, refuse to call it a diet. IT REALLY DOES HELP your motivation.

    Anyway, that's how I think I'm gonna do it. Now, I gotta go to the store! :angry:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    Yeah, I decided to omit the butter altogether. I've not tried panko bread crumbs! In fact, I've never heard of them, but I'll definitely look for them. Thank you SO much! I'm making this tonight, I'll let you know how it turns out! I made Salsa Chicken in the crockpot/slow cooker yesterday and we had it for dinner last night. We loooooooved it...and my husband can be pretty darn picky. I just had a left over breast for lunch and I thought it tasted even better today!

    When I first jumped back on this bandwagon, weekends would freak me out. Anytime I ever tried a new diet, which was usually always South Beach, I'd end up cheating on weekends. Now that we're living/eating differently, the weekends are easy! BUT we are going out of town this weekend and although I'm not worried about cheating, I am worried about going over my calories. I'll be lost without MFP. I can access it from my phone, but for some reason, it won't let me add foods to my food diary. Nor will it bring up the nutritional info. So strange. I'll just have to do it all manually. :ohwell:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    ooooh my! so i made the "chicken crunch" and it was SOOOO good! my husband overdid it and had 2 helpings. i really wasn't so sure at first, but we thought it came out GREAT! i ended up adding peas to it. i realized if you add peas and maybe carrots, it would taste like a chicken pot pie! :tongue:

    i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :smile:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Jayberian: I can'st wait to try it! I didn't get to go buy groceries yet. I couldn't leave my son alone was a rough one.

    As for your weekend "problem" about loggin stuff in. Here is a suggestion - e-mail yourself what you eat and when you get back home, you can go and log it all in! I did that while my son was in the hospital and they didn't have wireless access. It worked out great. You can go back to the day you didn't log in and enter the info and still save it. It works really well.

    Anyway, thanks for the recipe. Have a great weekend!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Hello everyone. I have a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. I have about 30 pounds to lose (not from pregnancy, just eating too much). I've lost 20 already on my own, but now I need some extra motivation and that's why I joined MFP.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    That recipe does sound good. I'm going to have to try it. I also liked the sound of the baked fried chicken. My kids love chicken nuggets. That sounds like a great way to make them happy and give my husband and me a healthy meal!
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hello everyone. I have a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. I have about 30 pounds to lose (not from pregnancy, just eating too much). I've lost 20 already on my own, but now I need some extra motivation and that's why I joined MFP.

    Welcome! You've come to the right place. Nothing but love here. You'll find REAL support here, not like at the gym with your trainer. They're paid to tell you what you need to hear. We tell you 'cause we care. I love it here. Great resources, great people. Happy to have you.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Amy, thank you for the warm welcome.

    Hello everyone. It's 4pm on my side of the world and I need to start thinking about dinner. I usually like to have a plan ahead of time, but today didn't work out that way.I am thinking about a rice salad tonight. Some b rown rice, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, onions, tossed with a lttle bit of olive oil and vinegar. Maybe some fruit afterwards.
    I have to keep it simple tonight. I ate fast food for lunch. It would not have been bad if I only ate my meal, but I ended up eating everything that my kids left behind. It's OK because fast food is a very rare choice for us, but I "had" to go to BurgerKing today and get some of those Star Trek toys they have now.

    What's everyone else tonight?
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Amy, thank you for the warm welcome.

    Hello everyone. It's 4pm on my side of the world and I need to start thinking about dinner. I usually like to have a plan ahead of time, but today didn't work out that way.I am thinking about a rice salad tonight. Some b rown rice, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, onions, tossed with a lttle bit of olive oil and vinegar. Maybe some fruit afterwards.
    I have to keep it simple tonight. I ate fast food for lunch. It would not have been bad if I only ate my meal, but I ended up eating everything that my kids left behind. It's OK because fast food is a very rare choice for us, but I "had" to go to BurgerKing today and get some of those Star Trek toys they have now.

    What's everyone else tonight?

    Hey, I know where you're coming from! I started to call myself the human garbage disposal before I started this journey over a year ago. I've stumbled, will stumble again, and get back up and get on track. It's life. Don't worry, it'll be fine. How many calories are you taking in a day? Even though you had that lunch, and the rice dish sounds awesome (YOU HAVTTA SEND ME THE RECIPE), it might not be enough and later you'll be hungry. Remember, don't deprive to survive!

    Anyway, I had a 3 oz boneless, lean, center cut, thin slice pork chop. I used panko crumbs and a little EVOO and pan fried it. It was awesome. I had steamed corn on the side. Later, I'm gonna have the sugar free Dolce Leche Jello pudding that will be calling, I'm sure. :love:

    Hopefully, that will be all. Oh well, I'm going workout now. :ohwell: I'll check in with you later to see how it's going. Okay?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good morning! well, i've lost wt this week but more probably from being sick. the flu moved on to my stomach friday and saturday. hopefully it's all gone today!!
    i haven't exercised in days either, trying to let my body really recover this time. i think last time i was sick (2 wks ago), i pushed it and thus got sick again.
    clearly not made of hearty peasant/pioneer/westerner stock. :laugh:

    if my tummy's ok today, i will do a leslie sansone dvd later. i really love those workouts!

    well, i gotta get to the laundry and dusting. i'm trying to declutter the kitchen too. wish me luck! :wink:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    slimkitty - welcome!!! :flowerforyou:

    stacey - i am CONSTANTLY having to declutter my kitchen! it seems i always keep it decluttered through the week. the weekend comes and it's a cluttered mess again. i blame it on my husband! :wink:

    amy(amypyr) - i can't believe i never thought of making chicken nuggets that way! let me know how it turns out if you try it. i sometimes have that chicken nugget craving, this may help kick it!

    soooo.......we had to go to two highschool graduation parties yesterday + the graduation itself. graduation parties = lots of food! BUT, i ate very little. i was proud of myself!! they even served cake, i declined. then later resorted to my little 100 calorie pack chocolate cake. lol but those are just as good! small, but good! i ended up staying just a little under my calories, but a little over on fat grams. just by 10, i'm not going to sweat it! and i actually ended up writing everything down so i wouldn't forget and logged not too long ago. thanks for the tip about emailing, amy(ahmee2034), i'll do that next time! .....seems like there are a lot of amy's here. lol

    stacey hope the flu is completely gone! don't overdo it!!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418

    Hey, I know where you're coming from! I started to call myself the human garbage disposal before I started this journey over a year ago. I've stumbled, will stumble again, and get back up and get on track. It's life. Don't worry, it'll be fine. How many calories are you taking in a day? Even though you had that lunch, and the rice dish sounds awesome (YOU HAVTTA SEND ME THE RECIPE), it might not be enough and later you'll be hungry. Remember, don't deprive to survive!

    Anyway, I had a 3 oz boneless, lean, center cut, thin slice pork chop. I used panko crumbs and a little EVOO and pan fried it. It was awesome. I had steamed corn on the side. Later, I'm gonna have the sugar free Dolce Leche Jello pudding that will be calling, I'm sure. :love:

    Hopefully, that will be all. Oh well, I'm going workout now. :ohwell: I'll check in with you later to see how it's going. Okay?

    Amy - the rice salad was yummy (it's in my profile photo, since I don't know yet how to insert a picture in my post). No recipe, just some cooked brown rice, and whatever fresh vegetables are on hand. Some olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. That and fruit salad of mango and blueberries was really delicious.
    I eat about 1800 calories per day. Any less than that and my grumpiness level goes way up while my energy level goes way down.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    stacey - i am CONSTANTLY having to declutter my kitchen! it seems i always keep it decluttered through the week. the weekend comes and it's a cluttered mess again. i blame it on my husband! :wink:

    i made a lot of progress! i'm a paper piler. there are stacks here and on my desk in my closet and i finally sifted thru them. there is definitely less stuff. and i did some decorative rearranging which i enjoy. it's nice to be reminded of the pretty things i have--y'know, you have them tucked away and then it's like a gift to bring them back into rotation. :smile:
    and i agree on the hubby--he definitely adds to the mess. he went out of town today so it was that much easier for me to clean up.

    and hooray! no more flu. tummy was just fine all day and energy was much improved too. thanks for the well wishes.
    i didn't exercise but i'm alright with that. i stayed close to my calories and drank my water, so that's good for me for today.

    well, i need to finish up the laundry (isn't that what everyone always has to do :noway: ) and then some quiet reading before going to bed. i'm reading a book of a woman's first year of full time living in paris; it's a true story, kinda like the peter mayle year in provence series, but different in part b/c it's an american woman's experience.
    have a good night all and see you tomorrow--i'll post up the new link in the am.

    i didn't exe
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    here's the link to this week's thread

    sorry so late in getting it organized--see you there:flowerforyou: