Do you work out at night and does it keep you up?

I have time for a quick workout in the morning, and I've been getting in about 20 minutes, but my real time comes after dinner is done, dishes cleaned up, homework corrected and kids off to bed. So I've been doing a 30-45 workout off a dvd at night, but I find that I cant go to sleep if I do. Usually done with workout at about 9pm and ready for bed at 11, but I just lie there, tried reading last night to fall asleep, finished a book instead.

Any one have this problem?


  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    yes, if i work out a night i cant sleep. but i also have insomnia, if i lay down to go to bed i will be up for atleast 2hrs just tossing and turning before i finally go to sleep. i take spells where i will only sleep 7hrs within a 48hr period.

    i still excercise at night b/c usually ill be up all night anyway.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm a night owl. I work second shift, so I've always worked out later at night. I don't have an issue with falling asleep anymore, but I did at first. I would get out of work, workout, come home and lay there.. looking at the ceiling. As time went on and my body adjusted to me working out late at night, I was fine. Now, I workout, take a shower, eat something and am ready to fall asleep within 30 mins or so.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I work out at night - doesn't keep me up, but I go to bed late anyway (midnight-ish)...
  • Sometimes I have this problem. I use some of the meditation and breathing techniques I learned to help calm my body and my mind. Maybe something like that will help you too? You could also incorporate some relaxing yoga routines in after your cardio work out at night, that might help slow down the endorphins and adrenaline pumped up by the more physically strenuous activities.
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    same here ...
    I would love to workout in the morning but just isnt possible...
    I workout even later ( it was 11:00 that i started yesterday) and feeling the kind of energy the workout gives i wish to workout in morning.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    I work 3p to 1130p and usually try to get my workouts in before work, but occasionally i will do a workout video after work and this ALWAYS disrupts my sleep pattern. I stay up about 4 hours later than i normally would i still make that sacrifice sometimes though if i was lazy before work
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I work out late, I can always sleep but my roommate can't sleep for hours if she works out at night.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    I find that if I work out at night I keeps me up for a couple of hours pass what I normally sleep at.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I love working out at night. I think it helps me go to sleep especially if I get in a good workout. I guess it depends on the person. I do know which is off topic, but if you are having trouble sleeping to write everything down that you are thinking to clear your head.
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    Yes - Up right now because I did 90 minutes at 8pm. Took a long shower and will try to sleep soon -- for me, the exercise is more important than sleep, bc I have so much more to lose.
  • sidra1446
    sidra1446 Posts: 32
    And of course last night, right after posting this I slept like a rock... guess I had too many late nights in a row not to.
  • CarrieMyPhilos
    CarrieMyPhilos Posts: 38 Member
    I know this is an old topic, but I wanted to revive it with my own similar question. I've worked a long day today (10a-10p!), mostly sitting. I go home in half an hour and am toying with the idea of squeezing in a ten or twenty minute pilates session just to move my body some. Is that crazy? I'm pretty tired, too, though - would it be better to just sleep? I feel really restless from being cooped up all day.
  • danysgoal
    danysgoal Posts: 14
    I used to bike and walk as late as 11 at night when I was younger but now, in my 50's, already I have insomnia so I don't do it anymore, no later than 9 and then not as intensely as before. Sleeping 4-5 hours and not deeply, next day, I'm of course tired and more prone to binges, carbs mainly.
    Also read recently that to loose weight, sleep is necessary. It all depends also what time I get up. Even with insomnia , I usually sleep better at the end of the night or early morning so weekends is a better time for this because I sleep in
  • i find that exercising at night keeps me up...especially if it's been an intense workout and its right before sleep....i would suggest doing a more moderate workout as you don't want it to interfere with your quality of sleep as that is very important after exercise. and do it at least a few hours before bed. exercise at night is better than no exercise, but still morning exercise is best as then you get to utilise all those endorphins while you are awake!