question about Motivation

How do you stay motivated? I'm only on my 5th day and I feel great about that. I'm scared though that I'll lose my momentum. before I had my son (5yrs ago) I was at a good weight, but its gone downhill since then. I'm 35 pounds heavier then I was at 9 months pregnant. Before then I never had to do anything to maintain a healthy weight. It's been that frame of mind holding me back. What can I do to avoid falling back into that lazy routine? Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks! :wink:


  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    Really sit down and ask yourself...why do you want to make this change? What is it worth to you? What are you willing to do to make a difference in YOUR life?

    For me, the big kicker was gaining 25 pounds in the last year, reaching an all time high of 251 pounds. Add to that high blood pressure, sleep apnea, snoring, and regular acid reflux and it was time for a big change. Not only was my weight out of control, but I was starting to have serious health consequences as well.

    Now I look at myself at 210 pounds, and all of those health problems have gone away. The motivation is pretty simple. As for suggestions:

    1) Schedule time in your day to get 30 minutes of exercise, even if it is just walking.
    2) Make it a priority to track everything you are eating and be honest with yourself.
    3) Set a realistic health and exercise goals for yourself...and be specific. I want to lose 10 pounds in the next two months. I want to exercise 2 hours a week, and aim to burn 2000 calories doing so.
    4) Finally, quit thinking of reasons why you might FAIL, and think of reasons why you might SUCCEED

    Your motivation has to come from've got to want it.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I completely agree with gregavila. My motivation came about when I became absolutely disgusted with myself, having allowed my health to deteriorate and realizing how much I was missing out on in life. As each day goes by, I become more motivated simply by seeing progress not only in weight loss but with how I'm learning to change almost everything (portions sizes, cal/fat/protein/carbs/sugars, attitude, new recipes, eating out/traveling, workout routines). I've truly changed the way I look at food and the purpose of it; to sustain life. I'm constantly making changes and improvements. I've made a commitment to myself. You can too!
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    i love pain