excercise - are you a morning or evening person?



  • Woooolywool
    Woooolywool Posts: 136 Member
    I prefer in the evenings (I go to the gym), though I haven't really tried exercising in the mornings yet in all honesty...I just get put off by how it's usually raining/drizzling, and how dark and cold it is, so then I just don't bother 'cause I prefer to take my time to get ready for the day in my own time, and I hardly get up early enough as it is. Plus I've yet to get some decent clothes to wear out whilst jogging.
    BUT I will definitely start jogging in my summer holidays, and joining the gym back at home, plus swimming. ;D
    Can not wait for all that time on my hands! :')
  • mkmacf
    mkmacf Posts: 101
    Evening! once my kid is in bed and my husband is relaxing, I do my yoga or my walk/run. Doesn't take too long and I am home in time to relax a little with him.
  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    For me it's evenings...after the kiddos are in bed. I have to be at work at 6:00 AM and I am so NOT a morning person, so that's a huge task for me already. No way I could get up in time to excercise before work!
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    I do the mornings, about 10am after kids to school etc.
    then try to do a bit more in the afternoon but not in the evenings yet.
  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323
    For me it's Evenings :) Have to wake up for work at 5.30am so there's no way i can fit anything in b4!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Evenings. My sleep schedule is kind of awful because I stay up late into the night, working. So I work out best in the evenings.