Hi, any night workers who struggle with their weight?

HI, I have just joined. I am at least 4 stone over weight, which has piled on over the last year and a half. I work set night shifts in a psychiatric hospital, which does involve sitting a lot. My weight gain started after I was diagnosed with anaemia and gave up smoking and since then it just keeps coming!!!! So my eating is erractic and my exercise is limited to walking. Any tips would be welcome.


  • ntillberg
    ntillberg Posts: 26 Member
    I've been working shifts for 23 years. Right now I alternate between a 10 hour day shift and an afternoon shift, which is quite a bit easier than doing the midnights. Shift work is a real pain to deal with when you're trying to eat healthy and exercise. My tip would be try to have regular hours for the particular shif t you are on, with breakfast when you wake up, lunch at a set time, and dinner at a set time. Workouts should be scheduled also. That way, even if you wake up at midnight to start your day, you know that breakfast is at 12:30 am, lunch is at 4, dinner at 7 am and a workout at 8 (for example.)
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I work. 7-730 and trying to loss weight. My biggest problem is eating enough on the days. I am a nurse so on my feet lots. So exercise is secondary. I try to get at least 1200 on those days but probably need to eat more, but some days i get less.
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    hi, my shifts are 12 hours long, with a set pattern over two weeks. Thing is my weight was pretty steady for years, then BOOM, it shot up and keeps going up. My sleep is rubbish at the mo and i don't think that helps. Stress levels are high, lots of rubbish going on at work and one of my sisters has cancer so on my days off, there is lots of hospital runs and phone calls being made. I do eat at fairly set times, but these change obviously when at work. I hate being this big... nothing in my wardrobe fits... and i am soooo unfit but finding it hard to get the motivation to do something about it.
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    Im an RN on an inpatient oncology unit. I work 7p-7a every weekend. Totally throws me and my eating schedule off. And there is always unhealthy food at work or someone is ordering takeout. As far as food, the biggest help has been to bring my own healthy snacks and meals. I know I get hungry, so I'll bring alot of options: Greek yogurts, fruit, protein bars (very filling) , carrots, salsa. It has helped me stay on track better.
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Yes, working night shift is very stressful to the body. I have found that you must get into a routine as far as sleeping, eating and exercise. For me, I have found that I need to go to bed at the same time every day. My friends and family know what time I go to bed and I have asked them not to call/contact me during my sleep hours. Eating is a challenge as well, for me my day starts when I wake up so I eat breakfast when I wake up in the afternoons just like people who sleep at night eat breakfast when they wake up and then I eat the rest of my meals accordingly. Exercise, well you have to do what is best for you, either first thing in the afternoon when you wake up or in the mornings before you go to bed. I am lucky in that I get to exercise while I am at work. I have a large area where I can walk so I spend 30-40 minutes of my shift walking.

    I hope this helps some. Feel free to add me as a friend and you can message me as well if you have questions.

    Good luck,
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    hi, my shifts are 12 hours long, with a set pattern over two weeks. Thing is my weight was pretty steady for years, then BOOM, it shot up and keeps going up. My sleep is rubbish at the mo and i don't think that helps. Stress levels are high, lots of rubbish going on at work and one of my sisters has cancer so on my days off, there is lots of hospital runs and phone calls being made. I do eat at fairly set times, but these change obviously when at work. I hate being this big... nothing in my wardrobe fits... and i am soooo unfit but finding it hard to get the motivation to do something about it.

    I totally understand! I had similiar situation last Fall. My brother was diagnosed with cancer and was very sick. I alternated between busy family, work and being with him. ((hugs)) to you.
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    Thanks for all your replies so far. My down fall is portion size and a sweet tooth, lol.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    hi. I used to struggle but I got it down. for me sleep is key. once I had that in check everything else fell into place. when I had bad sleeping habits I'd be tired all the time. I'd over eat to stay awake. I'd be too tired to exercise.

    eating habits for me work out differently when I am working. I eat 2x a day. @ work and after work usually 2-3 hrs before going to bed. I go to bed around 2-3pm, wake up at 11pm and work till 7am. usually I work out after I get off work in the morning. I sometimes go out @ 2am and walk/jog while @ work. the hours I work there's alot of downtime so I take advantage. I am lucky that my workplace is in a secure location. no crazies or traffic to worry about.

    there's a MFP group for us shift workers
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    Awww thanks Biongo1, yea it is hard and im obviously not one of those who when they get stressed the weight just falls off them!!!
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    hi. I used to struggle but I got it down. for me sleep is key. once I had that in check everything else fell into place. when I had bad sleeping habits I'd be tired all the time. I'd over eat to stay awake. I'd be too tired to exercise.

    eating habits for me work out differently when I am working. I eat 2x a day. @ work and after work usually 2-3 hrs before going to bed. I go to bed around 2-3pm, wake up at 11pm and work till 7am. usually I work out after I get off work in the morning. I sometimes go out @ 2am and walk/jog while @ work. the hours I work there's alot of downtime so I take advantage. I am lucky that my workplace is in a secure location. no crazies or traffic to worry about.

    there's a MFP group for us shift workers
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    Thanks for that link, will take a look.
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    Yes, working night shift is very stressful to the body. I have found that you must get into a routine as far as sleeping, eating and exercise. For me, I have found that I need to go to bed at the same time every day. My friends and family know what time I go to bed and I have asked them not to call/contact me during my sleep hours. Eating is a challenge as well, for me my day starts when I wake up so I eat breakfast when I wake up in the afternoons just like people who sleep at night eat breakfast when they wake up and then I eat the rest of my meals accordingly. Exercise, well you have to do what is best for you, either first thing in the afternoon when you wake up or in the mornings before you go to bed. I am lucky in that I get to exercise while I am at work. I have a large area where I can walk so I spend 30-40 minutes of my shift walking.

    I hope this helps some. Feel free to add me as a friend and you can message me as well if you have questions.

    Good luck,
    Thanks wingman, will do, when i have learnt how to navigate myself around the site in order to add friends, lol.
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    I have worked split day and night shifts for over 21yrs. I work 12hr shifts and some days I can sit all day and other days I am on my feet a lot. I have struggled with my weight as well. I have found that packing my lunches and snacks and PLANNING AHEAD is the best way to be successful. It seems to be working for me. The guys at work laugh at me because I have the biggest lunch bag. I keep all kinds of good, healthy snacks at my fingertips. That keeps you away from the fast food joints and the vending machines.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Yes, working night shift is very stressful to the body. I have found that you must get into a routine as far as sleeping, eating and exercise. For me, I have found that I need to go to bed at the same time every day. My friends and family know what time I go to bed and I have asked them not to call/contact me during my sleep hours. Eating is a challenge as well, for me my day starts when I wake up so I eat breakfast when I wake up in the afternoons just like people who sleep at night eat breakfast when they wake up and then I eat the rest of my meals accordingly. Exercise, well you have to do what is best for you, either first thing in the afternoon when you wake up or in the mornings before you go to bed. I am lucky in that I get to exercise while I am at work. I have a large area where I can walk so I spend 30-40 minutes of my shift walking.

    I hope this helps some. Feel free to add me as a friend and you can message me as well if you have questions.

    Good luck,
    Thanks wingman, will do, when i have learnt how to navigate myself around the site in order to add friends, lol.

    I will send you a friends request.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I've been on nights for a little over a year and I've not seen my weight fluctuate too much, but I don't eat healthy at all. I need to definitely start bringing healthier snacks to work & not stopping at a drive-thru on the way in.
    I recently had surgery and am not cleared to workout until 1 April, but I'm curious how that is going to work on nights....if I should work out before I go to work, or after I get done. I'm leaning towards before I go in, only because I don't want to rev myself up too much after work and not be able to sleep.
    Any advice on that?
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I work night shift 7p-7a....I still find things difficult. I do pretty well with food, I plan things and bring it with me, including plenty of snack options. I have 3 kids at home, so I don't always get the best sleep. I probably average 5 hrs a day. On my mondays I usually find myself up for 24 plus hours before I get to sleep. I know this has affected the speed of my weight loss. I also have issues with eating sugary things when I am trying to stay awake, and not getting my workouts in on my work days. I agree with most of the other posters...you definately have to plan out your food and exercise to make it work. It's not easy but it can be done. Good luck!
  • lushunn32
    lushunn32 Posts: 107
    I was going threw this problem at first until I told myself I need to get this under control. I work 4:30pm 12:30am. I now make sure I packet everything for dinner and a snacks and make sure I have extra just in case I get hungry. I measure just about everything at first I thought this was the most crazest thing I have every did, but I found out that it works for me. I work out in the mornings usually right after my kids are off to school. You just have to sit down one day and plan your day out. You can do it, add me as a friend if you need some tips. I'm new at this site too
  • huskamute
    huskamute Posts: 17
    I sleep really well in the day time, about 7 hours, which is good as i am awake for the whole shift. Its my nights off when i can't seem to sleep any more, with lots of waking, dreams and talking!!! lol. We have a small gym on site which I think is the way forward to me getting in some exercise, just need to get my *kitten* into gear and do it.