How do you balance school, work, and exercise?



  • JohnFox27thCentury
    I found out that planning doesn't always work, so my motto changed from "Make the Time" to "TAKE the Time". Everytime I did that I ended up closer to my goals, when I tried to keep planning I went further away from my goals. Hope that helps somebody.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I treat exercise as I do sleep and food and water...a priority! Set aside a set time each day and make that time your ME time! I use my exercise time to relax, relieve stress, and feel better. :)
  • furbutt
    furbutt Posts: 74 Member
    Here is how I do it:
    3:15 AM Up and Attum
    3:30-5:30 Gym
    5:30 Shower
    6:30-3:00 Work
    3:30 pick up my son
    7:30 Bath/Bed
    8:30 My bedtime
    8:45-3:15 Sleep

    I pack my lunch the night before, pack my clothes and lay out my gym clothes, shoes, watch, HRM and set the coffee pot to turn on at 3. I log my food right after I workout while getting ready for the day. I plan what I am going to eat the night before. I use the crock pot a lot for meals. If fitness means that much to you you will find a way to make it work!!
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    Honestly? I know myself enough to know what I will move my *kitten* for - which is school. So what did I do? I signed up for a Zumba class at college! Haha you might not have that but it's about starting a regular routine, sticking to it and giving it all you've got. On the days I feel super lazy I do crunches in my room. And if I'm feeling super crazy? Random dance party for 20 minutes! You burn a bunch of calories and get to laugh at yourself in the process. It's a really good stress reliever. Hope this helps! :)
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    The beginning of balancing it all is the BIGGEST challenge. For a few weeks you'll feel burnt out and drained but stick with it and it'll become a habit.
    I know your feeilngs...I work full time, I'm a full time college student, I'm doing an internship 20 hours a week & I am in the army national guard -- I literally have 2 days off to myself for the entire month! If you want something bad enough, you'll do it!

    I came to the point of waking up at 4am daily to workout before work. I do Insanity, on round 3! Yes, the early hours sucked at first but now it's easy for me to get up at that time. It's crazy. I also workout after work/school at the gym. I have a little planner where I plan weeks ahead of what workouts I'm doing and I hilite it when I actuall do it..It feels good and empowering. You have to do it if you want it for yourself! Make time, even little time if you can. :)
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    I have a pretty crazy school schedule, and I gained this weight because I thought it wasn't possible to workout. I normally spend between 70 and 80 hours a week at school, in class, in the lab or in the library. I admit, I have a hard time making it to the gym when i have a particularly bad week. I used to always say "why would I go to the gym when I don't even have enough time to sleep?" but I realized that when I am exercising my quality of sleep is much higher and I manage my stress much better, which results in more productivity overall. So, essentially, by spending time, I make more time.

    Also, I normally go to the gym when I am between subjects. or need a mental break. I often find that after a 6 or so hours of a certain subject or report I can't concentrate anymore, so I go to the gym for an hour and come back to it.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    You nor anyone else will ever have time for exercise because there is always something else on our lists to do. You have to make time. I'm a single mom and I work full time, I'm still on the clock now on a break been working since 7:30a I wont get done till 6-6:30p but I fit in a 20 min workout. Gyms are nice but I usually don't make it there. I work at home now so I have gotten fatter sitting at a desk all day. When I worked in a facility sometimes I made it to the gym other times I was too mentally exhausted. I find that doing 20 min tapes sometimes once or twice a day giving it my all not being lax about it and using a heart rate monitor has helped me shape up nice and slow. If you cant get to a gym, make your home, room, whatever a gym. Buy some good dvd's like Jillian Micheals, Jackie Warner they have 20 minute interval training workouts that make you sweat and shape up quick. The 17 min workout even though the trainer has no rhythm surprisingly burns a lot of calories. If you have Netflix there are workouts on there find one you like. Buy some dumbbells, bands, and a mat and you are good to get started. Know what kind of person you are....meaning.... if you can do a 5am workout because you have to be at work at 6a that's great but if you are a night person like myself I don't care if you start work at 6a getting up a little early won't work because you will hit the snooze button and sleep in. If you are a night person make time for a night workout and if you are a morning person do it in the am, don't force a workout when you know that time of day is the least motivating. I hope you make a window for yourself to get in a workout even if it's a walk and you will progress from there. Good Luck!