How to log

I was wondering how to log in activites that are not in the data base. For example yesterday I raked and disposed our back yard (took an 1.30) of leaves. That night the kids and I ran laps (trying to get my 5 year old into shape as well) for about 15 minuts at moderate and at times fast speeds. I know this burnd something and wonder how to add the "odd" things you do to the exercise report. Thanks,


  • Trigrl83
    Trigrl83 Posts: 11 Member
    If it were me I would not worry about posting these activities and just look at it as "money in the bank" When you post exercise it gives you more calories to consume. Without a accurate calorie count you could be setting yourself up to eat too much. I would give myself a pat on the back for the activity and continue with your normal plan. I only add exercise when it is at a higher heart rate for an extended period of time.
  • Stef836
    Stef836 Posts: 15 Member
    :) great thought! Thanks