Ok relationship question...guys...come on in, I need advice.

ojell Posts: 749 Member
Sooo what should you do when things start getting a little weird and you run out of things to talk about? (ON THE PHONE)

I feel like I've gotten boring and have nothing interesting to talk to my guy friend about anymore. He says I either don't talk or I just ask a bunch of questions...and I kinna sorta do, but it's moreso to try and engage him in a conversation. I don't know what's going on. I don't know why I can't think of anything to just simply talk to him about. We haven't been hanging out quite as often as we used to and I know I'm feeling kind of insecure about that. I need to just relax and be my silly self, but for some reason it's like my mind goes blank or I start rambling about stupid stuff. What is wrong with me?

How can I fix this? What's interesting to talk about? I don't know.

What would you do? Or what do you suggest? I love this man and he's been my best friend for years. I feel like I've got a mental block when it comes to him lately. I've never had this happen, so I don't know what to do about it. How weird is this? Ugh!


  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    nothing to talk about? move on?
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    thaaats not a problem lol i like quiet time... just enjoying the presents of a S.O.....

    if he is so great why in the world is it ur responsibility to start conversations lol its just as much as his job..
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    He's just not that into you.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    No he talks to me and we have great convos when he's starts up the convos. It's me that can't seem to start up a convo these days. I feel so boring like I have nothing interesting to talk about. He's interesting as H*ll but he's more in the mix with everything than I am. So, it makes me feel so out of it anymore. I hate that.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    No he talks to me and we have great convos when he's starts up the convos. It's me that can't seem to start up a convo these days. I feel so boring like I have nothing interesting to talk about. He's interesting as H*ll but he's more in the mix with everything than I am. So, it makes me feel so out of it anymore. I hate that.

    Maybe you should go do something interesting, so you'll have something interesting to talk about.

    Like skydiving, or getting kidnapped.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    No he talks to me and we have great convos when he's starts up the convos. It's me that can't seem to start up a convo these days. I feel so boring like I have nothing interesting to talk about. He's interesting as H*ll but he's more in the mix with everything than I am. So, it makes me feel so out of it anymore. I hate that.

    Maybe you should go do something interesting, so you'll have something interesting to talk about.

    Like skydiving, or getting kidnapped.

  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    A hobby would do me good. Have no idea what I'd do though. I lack time and funds so limits me even further in this boring place.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    wait, people still actually talk on the phone? I thought text was the new talk?
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    nothing to talk about? move on?

    ditto this ^^ ... i hate sitting on the phone when no one is talking
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    I have a simple fix for this: Don't talk on the phone.

    I think the entire time that the hubs and I have been together (2 1/2 years),we have talked on the phone for a grand total of maybe an hour.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    wait, people still actually talk on the phone? I thought text was the new talk?

    LMBO! ^^^ i agree ... i prefer to text ... i can say what i gotta say and be done
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    There is a reason why people pay for phone sex................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    wait, people still actually talk on the phone? I thought text was the new talk?

    ^^does eliminate awkward silences
  • Woooolywool
    Woooolywool Posts: 136 Member
    A hobby would do me good. Have no idea what I'd do though. I lack time and funds so limits me even further in this boring place.

    Some drawing perhaps? Painting? Jogging...? Exercise can be as much of a hobby as other creative things. Do you knit? Read books, novels? What music do you like? Do you play a musical instrument? If not, give it a go. Make cooking new healthy recipes a hobby.

    There's so, so many things out there to do that can be quite affordable and don't need too much dedication.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Personally, I hate talking on the phone and most guys I know are the same way. I can't wait to get off the phone no matter who I'm talking to.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Send naughty pictures!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    thaaats not a problem lol i like quiet time... just enjoying the presents of a S.O.....

    if he is so great why in the world is it ur responsibility to start conversations lol its just as much as his job..

    I think she means on the phone
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Send naughty pictures!

  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    since when were you allowed to talk... adivce go back to the kitchen and make him a sandwich
  • feistymoon
    feistymoon Posts: 152
    Why not talk honestly and openly to him about it and say everything you've just written here?