WTF, GAINED weight running! >:O



  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    running doesn't burn fat. running will only help you get into a deficiency thus causing weight/fat/muscle loss. "healthy" foods are also irrelevant when it comes to a deficiency and weight loss. you can potentially eat only icecream and drop the pounds. (been proven)

    also don't go by the scale.. all it does its cause people to stress the freak out... hide the thing.. the mirror and progress pics are your best friend.

    but .. if you truly believe you are eating at a deficiency then its probably water retention.

    as for the muscle gain.. probably not..
    Running doesn't burn fat only when running on a planet with zero G
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If you want to burn fat then lift weights.. and heavy weights.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I do not eat any processed food, I eat healthy.. and eat alot of vegetables, whole grain carbs, protein from chicken.. fish, keep my sodium lower than 1,500 a day along with my sugar low.. i run 3 times a week for 30 minutes and after 2 weeks I gained 4 pounds, WTHELL?!?! i am trying TO LOSE weight! my legs don't need to be any bigger than is (my profile pic is me 4 months ago which i am TRYING to get back!) some say it can be muscle but i want to lose body fat and don't want to gain big muscle mass. someone help?! has this happened to any of you??

    and btw, my typical day with macros.. I weigh 116 pounds and eat 125g protein a day, 90g carbs.. 40g healthy fat

    Since October 2011 I have only really lost about 7 or 8lbs however I have lost 8 inches in total around my body and have dropped a dress size as a result. I lose weight very slowly and understand your frustration. Start measuring instead!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Water retention. Cardio does NOT build muscle. It makes muscle smaller and more efficient.

    So it's either water retention, or you're not eating in a deficit. Although, at 116 pounds, I think your focus should be on heavy strength training, rather than weight loss. You are considered almost underweight according to BMI. Heavy lifting, and adding 5 pounds of muscle or so, should give you the results you're looking for.

    Skinny fat means having too little muscle.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Water retention. Cardio does NOT build muscle. It makes muscle smaller and more efficient.

    So it's either water retention, or you're not eating in a deficit. Although, at 116 pounds, I think your focus should be on heavy strength training, rather than weight loss. You are considered almost underweight according to BMI. Heavy lifting, and adding 5 pounds of muscle or so, should give you the results you're looking for.

    Skinny fat means having too little muscle.

    Word. I posted a blog this week of me last year at 135 pounds on just cardio and this year at 134 pounds on cardio and weight training. I'll tell ya 134 looks pretty good to me. I'm looking forward to putting a little more muscle on, actually. I still do cardio ecause I like it, I get paid to do it, I like to eat, otherwise id stick to hiit a few day a week. And no, running doesn't burn fat it burns calories And in a deficit may use fat stores as energy
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Cardio makes muscle more efficient but it can also build some muscle, too.

    Saying cardio does not build muscle is simply not accurate.

    Case in point: There are people who do nothing but run for exercise and they often have nicely toned muscles.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK, Destiny, here is what I'm going to say:

    You are 24. You are 5'6" and weigh 118 pounds with a body fat of 18% (bordering on dangerously low for a woman). You have an absolutely GORGEOUS figure.

    My advice is eat healthy and exercise because it will keep you healthy and help maintain your weight throughout your life if you continue with it. But throw your scale away.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Cardio makes muscle more efficient but it can also build some muscle, too.

    Saying cardio does not build muscle is simply not accurate.

    Case in point: There are people who do nothing but run for exercise and they often have nicely toned muscles.
    Cardio doesn't build muscle. Building muscle requires OVERLOAD, and cardio does not overload muscle. Fatigue does not equal overload. It's the same reason why doing 900 reps at low weight doesn't build muscle, either.

    As for the "case in point." Tone has nothing to do with muscle size. "Tone" is the appearance of muscle due to low body fat. Actual muscle tone (or tonus) refers only to the tension of a muscle, not the size or strength.

    Now, a further comment for the OP about heavy strength training, and the scale not meaning much. Meet Staci, the Powerlifting Superhero!
    On the left, she weighed 131 pounds. The more recent picture, on the right, she weighs 142 pounds.

    She can deadlift over 300 pounds, and bench presses more than her bodyweight.

    Lift heavy. Put on some muscle. You won't regret it.

    Read about Staci, here:
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Well, if your goal is to be skinny and not fit, I suggest you stop eating. Your muscle will waste away and you'll be skinny as a rail.

    I think you're being a bit extreme. I don't think that's what she said at all!