Looking for support buddies!!!

Hey everybody! Not really new to MFP anymore but I haven't really dabbled in the social side as much as I'd like to.
I'd love to get some friends that I can help motivate and also that will help motivate me!

A little about me:

I'm 25, just had my second son in November, trying to get back in shape to keep up with them! In total I want to lose 55 pounds (& of course maintain it) and I've lost 14 of it so far. I work full time so I've managed to wedge my work outs in during my lunch hour at work, and we also power walk twice a day on our breaks! I got really lucky and have a very awesome workout buddy/co-worker. Together we're getting back in shape!

One word to describe me would be: Happy-go-lucky. I'm very rarely in a bad mood and I LOVE to talk! I love to laugh and also love seeing positive posts. Being realistic, we all have bad days/weeks for weight loss (I'm actually in the middle of one now). While it does make me sort of frown to see the scale go up a little bit, I tell myself I'll do better next week while reminding myself about how much I've already lost.

I've already gone down a size in jeans and working on the next one, plus I FEEL so much better already! I do get cravings for junk food still (chips mostly), but I've learned that I CAN have some of it, just not the whole bag! Or, I'm learning healthier alternatives.

I will say one thing I can't stand are people I see that eat horribly all week and then honestly wonder why they gained, and then get super defensive when people try to help and explain why. There is a way to post that you are bummed about gaining (so that we can all positively support you and remind you that you can do it!!) without sounding like a baby. I also don't care for know-it-alls - same deal, there is a way you can share information/have conversations without sounding like a jerk.

Anyway, glad to get that out of the way, not to say those people are bad or anything, it's just not something I'm interested in logging in to see. But if you think maybe we can get along and motivate each other, send a friends request my way! =)


  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    I'm gonna' send a friend request your way. And I fully agree with you about the people who eat horribly, then complain they've gained. I was on a real healthy run for 2 months, then I just lost the flow, went back to how I use to be. As much as I'm disappointed in myself for that, I won't be complaining, I understand why it happened. And now, I'm back in the flow again.

    Anyways, welcome to the social side of MFP.