Depressed about lack of self control



  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    Id love to be work out buddies with you! im looking at losing 100 pounds as well. keep your head up it will get better.
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    I'm trying for semi-low calorie. On here it said my target calorie intake was about 2300. I'd like to be able to eat 1800, and I would have done so.. had the tootsie roll bag not found me. :tongue:

    oh good god aren't those nasty little chocolately chewy delicious little bites the devil! I love em as well, I can't even have them in the control, cause I can't eat just one...I found that if I freeze them, I only eat two or three cause there a ***** to chew :laugh:

    haha my mom bought some and I was like OH NO!!!!! Great tip on freezing them, lol!!! I love your icon :D
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Today is my first day trying to diet, and I know I really shouldn't be too hard on myself. I was starving all afternoon and ended up snacking on everything in sight.

    I ended up about 300 calories over target.

    Which it could be worse...

    I really need a buddy to diet with.

    I am 325 pounds and looking to lose at least 100 pounds, hopefully getting down to around 180 (I'm 5'10 so it would be just right).

    Let me know if you're interested in buddying up. I need someone to help me have motivation to exercise and just a great friend in general.

    Caitlin :flowerforyou:

    325 is where I started, and let me tell you that if you're going to make it for the long haul, you need to kick that "diet" word out of your vocabulary. Diet is a 4 letter word.

    Look yourself in the mirror and say, "It changes now." Worry less about your calories to begin with. You need to build good eating habits, make sure you're eating 6 or so small meals through the day instead of 3 big ones.

    Make little goals for yourself and meet them. I remember when I started one of my goals was to eat breakfast every day for a week. Then another one was to work out in some way every day for a week... even if it was just 5 situps. Reward yourself for meeting your goals. See, one of the big things is building self confidence, and nothing builds that like setting goals for yourself and actually meeting them. The more you do it, the better you feel about yourself and your abilities.

    From there, start finding ways to replace the foods you enjoy with healthier versions of those foods... it helps if you can cook. You can't ever let yourself feel deprived. It's not something you're going to be done with, because its your new life. It's not a fad. So if you really want some cheesecake, then ask for an extra small slice and enjoy it. Deprivation leads to binging.

    For now record your calories, but don't expect to be under all the time until you get used to it. It takes some time and there is a learning curve. But its education that's darn important and once you get used to it, it'll become second nature.

    You can do it, I have faith in you. Good job for taking the first steps :smile:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me! Your tips are really great starters, I'm trying to make small goals and meet them, I figure that's easier than a huge goal. It seems like it's easier to conquer.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm trying for semi-low calorie. On here it said my target calorie intake was about 2300. I'd like to be able to eat 1800, and I would have done so.. had the tootsie roll bag not found me. :tongue:

    I'm guessing that the 2300 figure is to lose 1 pound per week and you've set your goal to lose 2 per week at 1800. Well going over by 300 still put you at a 700 calorie deficit. If every day was like today You'd lose 1.4 pounds a week even with the Tootsie Roll transgression.
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    thanks lol! I didn't even think of it that way. I just saw it as a mistake. :)
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Work for progress rather than perfection. Perfection can be a stumbling block to self improvement.

    Great job logging the bad stuff!!! It's so important! I've found that I learn more logging the "bad stuff" than when I log the good stuff. There are lessons to be learned and if you log everything and then ask yourself questions such as why you ate that, was it worth it, what other choices could I have made? You get benefit from your mistakes. Otherwise it's just like trying to keep a checkbook where you only write down your smart spending and omitting the checks when you went a little nuts in Macy's or on while on vacation and then wondering how you got overdrawn.
  • apolloboo
    apolloboo Posts: 11 Member