Venting: Why are people so rude? Body compostion and weight



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Wow. How rude. She is clueless.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    Okay. I've come across some ignorant people in my day but I think this one takes the cake! So I'm typing on a blog about random weight loss topics and I put that you'd be surprised how much a person actually weighs compared to what they look like and I put that I'm 5'2 145 pounds and sometimes wears a size 4. Why did this poster reply to me saying "No offense but where is you weight at? I’m 5’1 116 lbs I wear a size 5 and at my biggest I was 130lbs for a few months & a size 5 was tight and I could fit a size 7. So how are you 5’2, 145lbs & wear a size 4??? What desiger clothes do you wear or how tight are your clothes??". As I give examples of people like that weigh more than they look,etc. I get to the point where this person is just plain rude and tells me I'm a flat out liar. Mind you this person has never ever seen what I look like. I offered to show them a picture and they didnt except. Have you ever came across someone like this. I think everyone knows and its common sense that weight shows differently on each person.

    That is very rude. Don't ever offer people like that proof that what you have said is true or correct, in this case the offer of the picture because people like that have already made up their minds to believe what they want to believe and have no intention to accept another side that is not their own. That person is the one with the issue not you. How would she know what your muscle mass was which is why you can wear smaller sizes at your weight. Don't give what that rude person said another thought.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    There is absolutely no correlation between weight and size. But usually the people who complain about this are the same ones who complain when the scale goes up 5 pounds and they lost 6 inches.
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    Okay. I've come across some ignorant people in my day but I think this one takes the cake! So I'm typing on a blog about random weight loss topics and I put that you'd be surprised how much a person actually weighs compared to what they look like and I put that I'm 5'2 145 pounds and sometimes wears a size 4. Why did this poster reply to me saying "No offense but where is you weight at? I’m 5’1 116 lbs I wear a size 5 and at my biggest I was 130lbs for a few months & a size 5 was tight and I could fit a size 7. So how are you 5’2, 145lbs & wear a size 4??? What desiger clothes do you wear or how tight are your clothes??". As I give examples of people like that weigh more than they look,etc. I get to the point where this person is just plain rude and tells me I'm a flat out liar. Mind you this person has never ever seen what I look like. I offered to show them a picture and they didnt except. Have you ever came across someone like this. I think everyone knows and its common sense that weight shows differently on each person.
    I needed to read this today. I'm 5'2 and weigh 128lbs and I have a friend who is the same size height and pants size but she weughs 107lbs and she doesn't beli e how much I weigh. I thinks it's kinda crazy to but I do I have alot more muscle.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Some people are ignorant when it comes to different body types. They are just jealous that they didn't look that good at your weight. :)
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    oh well shes stupid. and just ignor her. i dont know what size a size 5 is. but i know that i gained weight - it was much needed. but my size 4 uk jeans still fit me, and im like 20lbs heavier. so id say stuff her! shes just stuck up :)
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    also bone composition! I really do have "big bones" like I always said, but the bone scan at age 50 actually proved it. My Dr was starting the "now be sure to take your calcium" until she saw my bone scan and then she dropped the topic! :laugh: I think that my bare skeleton would not even fit into a size 0-2.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I haven't gotten the rude remarks but I have gotten double looks. people have hard time believing in my before pics that I was almost 500 lbs. and in my most current pics that I am still over 300 lbs.

    btw to the OP you look great!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    That person is ignorant.

    Generally, the shorter you are, the smaller your clothing size compared to your weight. Size 4 jeans fit very differently on two people who are different heights at the same weight, or two people who carry weight in different areas.

    You'll also find that if you're writing a blog and talking about fitness and body types, people LOVE to talk about themselves and compare themselves to others. You're bound for a lot of ignorant comments!
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Okay. I've come across some ignorant people in my day but I think this one takes the cake! So I'm typing on a blog about random weight loss topics and I put that you'd be surprised how much a person actually weighs compared to what they look like and I put that I'm 5'2 145 pounds and sometimes wears a size 4. Why did this poster reply to me saying "No offense but where is you weight at? I’m 5’1 116 lbs I wear a size 5 and at my biggest I was 130lbs for a few months & a size 5 was tight and I could fit a size 7. So how are you 5’2, 145lbs & wear a size 4??? What desiger clothes do you wear or how tight are your clothes??". As I give examples of people like that weigh more than they look,etc. I get to the point where this person is just plain rude and tells me I'm a flat out liar. Mind you this person has never ever seen what I look like. I offered to show them a picture and they didnt except. Have you ever came across someone like this. I think everyone knows and its common sense that weight shows differently on each person.

    Yeah. Weight is not a one size fits all standard. Even when I was heavier I weighed more than I looked like. I weighed 190-195 and wore a size 12 or 14. My mom was 165 and we shared clothes. Thats a huge difference
    I needed to read this today. I'm 5'2 and weigh 128lbs and I have a friend who is the same size height and pants size but she weughs 107lbs and she doesn't beli e how much I weigh. I thinks it's kinda crazy to but I do I have alot more muscle.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    That person is ignorant.

    Generally, the shorter you are, the smaller your clothing size compared to your weight. Size 4 jeans fit very differently on two people who are different heights at the same weight, or two people who carry weight in different areas.

    You'll also find that if you're writing a blog and talking about fitness and body types, people LOVE to talk about themselves and compare themselves to others. You're bound for a lot of ignorant comments!

    Yeah. I see how ignorant they can get. Its crazy! And it sounded like she was mad about her size and was trying to prove it more to herself. :grumble:
  • HGChao
    HGChao Posts: 23
    Rude and very ignorant!
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    I haven't gotten the rude remarks but I have gotten double looks. people have hard time believing in my before pics that I was almost 500 lbs. and in my most current pics that I am still over 300 lbs.

    btw to the OP you look great!

    Omg! You look great. And no offense but you look no where near 300 pounds. Thats hard hard work losing 200 pounds *hats off*
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Wow that was rude of her to say. When I was 5'1 116ish, I could fit into a size 0~2 (depending on the brand). People carry weight differently, and I'm pretty sure body fat percentage has something to do with it as well.

    I knew I wasn't crazy. I thought 5'1 115 pounds was pretty small to wear a 5 or 6 but of course if its a lot of fat than that is the reason *shrugs*
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    That person is ignorant.

    Generally, the shorter you are, the smaller your clothing size compared to your weight. Size 4 jeans fit very differently on two people who are different heights at the same weight, or two people who carry weight in different areas.

    You'll also find that if you're writing a blog and talking about fitness and body types, people LOVE to talk about themselves and compare themselves to others. You're bound for a lot of ignorant comments!

    Yeah. I see how ignorant they can get. Its crazy! And it sounded like she was mad about her size and was trying to prove it more to herself. :grumble:

    This is definitely true. She is in "it's not faaaair!" mode and taking it out on you just because you have a different number on the tag of your clothing (a number that really means nothing). It's just insecurity!
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    There is absolutely no correlation between weight and size. But usually the people who complain about this are the same ones who complain when the scale goes up 5 pounds and they lost 6 inches.

  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    That's definitely rude. I'd pay no attention if I were you - you look great in your avatar picture!! :smile:

    Thank you :happy:
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    I'm so sorry people like that are terrible. I know it all too well. I've even had snide comments on mfp. Because apparently its impossible to weight 185 pounds and fit loosely in a size 12. :/
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    This makes me crazy! When I was younger, I was 5'7" weighed 125, and was a size 11 (in juniors... for perspective I'm now 190 and a 15 in juniors)

    It's just amazing. When I was at my pre-pregnancy weight, my hipbones were jutting out and I was a size 11! I wasn't fat lol
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9, weigh 150-155 depending on the day and wear a size 4/6.. Last time I weighed this, 8's were too tight and 10's fit just right.
    Goes to show what can happen when you have more muscle than fat!

    As far as that poster, I think she's just very jealous and very vein... and wishes she could look like you!