Tell me how to learn how to love exercising

I hate it. I need tips.

Help! :wink:


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Find something active you like doing. Exercise doesn't have to be running, going to the gym, doing DVD workout, or the like. It can be going out dancing several times a week, going for walks, going swimming, bicycling, playing sports, or a bunch of other things. The point is to get active. As for working out in the other ways, the best way to start liking them is to do them, and keep doing them even when you hate it. Eventually most people will start to crave the feeling. I know when I couldn't workout because of a knee injury, I missed it, and did all I could to get back at it. That was not the case 2 years ago.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    personally, it was making it a habit for me. I HATED the idea of working out, being sore, getting sweaty, etc etc..then I lost 140 pounds...over the last few years, i"ve put about 70 pounds back on, and have been MISSING working out. it really does become enjoyable/addictive, it just takes getting yourself that initial push
  • cuatromommy
    cuatromommy Posts: 120 Member
    Is it that you actually hate the act of exercising, or is it the motivation to get going? I love working out, but if I think about it long enough, then I won't go because I tricked myself into thinking I didn't enjoy it. Even on days when I swore I would hate it, I just did it and left with a smile. The sense of accomplishment is what keeps me moving. I do so much for others and if I do this for myself, then I am proud. I feel good knowing I'm doing what I need to do. I feel worse sitting my *kitten* on the couch eating crap and watching TV feeling pitiful about myself.

    I think once you get moving and make it a routine, you will find the joy in it. Give yourself time. Commit to exercise at least 3 days a week for 3 weeks and see how it goes from there. I bet you will be adding more at the end of the 3rd week.

    Best of luck. I'm cheering you on!!!
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    just do something you enjoy to do.. do not force your self to run or whatever.. it wont last... i prefer weight training and hockey ... both are fun for me. ill never stop because of that.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    You need to find that one thing that you love doing. Could be anything from rock climbing to walking. For me it's cycling or spinning (my new addiction).
  • elliek968
    elliek968 Posts: 10
    Right now all I do is walk. I found someone I get along with really well at work. As soon as we get off work, we start walking. We do at least 5 miles, 2 - 3 times a week and it goes by fast. Make a habit of it and don't dread it. Just find something or try different things till you find an activity that you enjoy. Good luck on your journey!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter:wink:
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm not sure if it's something that can be "taught." I think it just kinda comes to you. Open your mind and find that one thing you love doing and before you know it, you're going to miss doing it on the days you're sick or something!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Find something active you like doing. Exercise doesn't have to be running, going to the gym, doing DVD workout, or the like. It can be going out dancing several times a week, going for walks, going swimming, bicycling, playing sports,
    My sentiments exactly. If you enjoy something physical already, do more of it.
  • TiltingAtWindmills
    TiltingAtWindmills Posts: 44 Member
    Finding exercises I enjoy (or at least don't hate) seems key to me. I failed a lot in the past by trying to make myself become a runner when that just wasn't for me (I'll admire all you awesome runners while I bike. You amaze me). Best wishes finding the fun in exercising. :)
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    For me, finding something I enjoy doing wasn't practical.

    I do the 30DS. And I pretty much hate it. I hate taking the time away from all the other billion things I need to do. I hate the sore muscles. I hate not being able to breathe. I hate being hot and sweaty. But, I made commitment to do it, and I am really stubborn. So I try to focus on the things I like about my workouts, rather than the things I hate. What I do like is that I am actually seeing muscle tone on my body. I like the couple hundred extra calories I get to eat. I like that it is a really short time committment. I like how much stronger I am getting. And the stronger I get, the easier it is to make the choice each day to work out. Not that the workouts are easier, but I dread them less because I am gaining confidence.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    What made me start "liking" it was seeing results, and how you feel after, my mood, my outlook on life, I just feel happier when I exercise even though there are days I dread doing it.........make it a habit like anything else you may do.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    I may never truly enjoy "exercise" -- the type that requires gym equipment, but I do it for my own good.

    However, I do LOVE to hike--so that's what I try to do a couple of times a week. Big burns, beautiful's a winning combination.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Close your eyes and think of England.
  • PlasticPsycho
    I absolutely hate that I can't do most exercise, just because I... can't :D
    It starts with push ups, I can't even do one regular push up, not one ~

    So I try to jogg when feeling the need to move, and that works perfectly fine for me atm :)
    I guess u just have to search until u find something u like :)
  • capabledesire
    Commit to 3 weeks and see how you feel after those 3 weeks. Sometime our own progress is the biggest motivation of all. You will noticed you could do something you thought you couldn't do, you could notice your pants fitting better, you could notice your arms with a little tone, you could notice you actually just took the stairs when normally you would avoid them. But you won't notice any of these things if you don't give it a try before you say you hate it.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Find a couple of activities (not just a workout) that looks like it could be fun, but requires exertion. It probably won't be fun at first, but as you get better and more fit, it will become very fun to you.

    "You can learn new things at any time in your life
    if you're willing to become a beginner. If you actually
    learn to like being a beginner, the whole world
    opens up to you."
    - Barbara Sher
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    As my best pal Nike always says: Just do it.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    For me, finding something I enjoy doing wasn't practical.

    I do the 30DS. And I pretty much hate it. I hate taking the time away from all the other billion things I need to do. I hate the sore muscles. I hate not being able to breathe. I hate being hot and sweaty. But, I made commitment to do it, and I am really stubborn. So I try to focus on the things I like about my workouts, rather than the things I hate. What I do like is that I am actually seeing muscle tone on my body. I like the couple hundred extra calories I get to eat. I like that it is a really short time committment. I like how much stronger I am getting. And the stronger I get, the easier it is to make the choice each day to work out. Not that the workouts are easier, but I dread them less because I am gaining confidence.

    As i'm about to drag mysellf out of bed to go and do the 30DS - I completely agree with this ^ my words exactly!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I have always exercised and have always loved it. The results you get should do the trick! Nothing is free-and the happiness and inner pease you get from the results of hard work is priceless. At least to me anyway.