when do you cheat?

how frequently do you have cheat days? how overboard do you go? I'm sure there are other questions, feel free to ask others if you think of some you want answered as well


  • Lemon912
    Lemon912 Posts: 6
    I cheat when I hang out with my roomie or my boyfriend. I dunno what to do about that since I love them both but they are enablers. My roommate who also is trying to lose weight and has been neglecting her gym for a while. Last night for example we went bowling after work. We stopped at Whataburger before which is the most evil burger place ever. I was doing fine yesterday until my dinner, ugh. Then my bf is nearly just as bad. He eats junk food when he eats so when were together we both eat crappy. Of course he doesnt eat 3 meals a day usually so he doesnt have a weight problem, jerk. Also I find its easy to cheat when I dont have time to pre plan my meals. If I plan, I do ok most of the time. I am ashamed to say I have been cheating more days this week, then I have stayed on track. Some days arent so bad maybe go over 100-250 calories. However one day last week I think I went over by like 1,000 calories. It was the mostly due to the damn ice cream I just had to have. I normally don't care about sweets but every now and again I just want something bad and that pint of blue bell ice cream shot my day to heck. Over 700 calories for that pecan praline goodness and it so was not worth it. I find that I tend to eat worse on the days I don't work out. Its not just the fact that I don't have the extra calories to eat...its like not working out makes me feel almost rebellious, does that make sense? I guess I could fix that problem if I worked out every day but yeah I don't think I can. My knees are throbbing most days as it is.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i dont.

    i pretty much eat what i want..as long as i eat plenty of nutrient dense foods..i typically have enough discretionary calories left over to have some cookies or cake or pizza.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I don't always cheat but when I do
    it usually involves beer

    I average 1-2 meals a week. just a meal not an entire day. I also plan for it. burn alot of calories either the day before or after.
    most I ever gone over calorie wise is about 1100.
  • gooseafur
    gooseafur Posts: 340 Member
    I try not to have cheat days now that I'm really trying hard to lose weight. But if I have the need, its for special occasions only.....birthdays, visiting with out-of-state guess, hitting a mini goal....you do have to treat yourself once in awhile!!! :o)
  • I try to stay in my limits when I can ~ but some days, when I'm maybe sad, sick or just lazy I eat about 200 to (very rarely) 500kcal over.
    I don't think that's too bad if you stay in your limits most of the time :)
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I have a burger every 3 month.

    I've got a deal with someone at work we have a magnum (a chocolate ice-cream if they aint called that elsewhere) when the temp hits 25C in about 2 months time , hope we have a bad summer :~

    Get the idea?
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I don't cheat- if it's in my plan then I'm not cheating. I do have Free days though. About once every week or so I just eat and don't worry about my macros (beyond sugar) and cal amounts. I rarely end up going into maintenance let alone above.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    I don't necessarily have a cheat day...I certainly don't designate one. I try to eat anything I'm craving...just in moderation and I try to make sure it fits into my caloric allowance. I don't like to feel like I'm being deprived, because in the past, that's where I would set myself up to fail. MODERATION!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I don't like to think of it as cheating but sometimes I have too many high calorie days, like all weekend. But right now I'm following the idea of the Spike diet so really trying to have just 1 spike(high calorie) day a week. I've done pretty good the last 2 weeks. Tomorrow is my Spike day, yum!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I've only went over by 200 calories one day in 21 weeks. And I made them up the next day. I try to work things I want into my daily 1300 calories and if it doesnt fit, then it has to wait for another day.
  • Once a week or so I will cheat and it usually involves vodka. I make sure to have a really good workout beforehand though, and to eat really well that day. If I'm cheating as in a big dinner at an unhealthy restaurant with friends or family, it will probably the only thing I eat that day. I really try not to do that, but there are still a few restaurants that don't have low-cal options (Texas Roadhouse). I really can't just have a salad there either. Everything else is too delicious.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I love Fat Fridays. I've seen myself eat over my TDEE by 3500 calories. That doesn't happen very often. Usually it's no more than 1000.
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    I will be cheating tomorrow for the Irish holiday! Other than holidays, if I know I am craving something bad and will obtain that, I will watch what I eat throughout the day and maybe workout harder that day to earn some extra cals.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Every Saturday is my cheat meal, I don't log that day and I know I go way over. It hasn't affected my 2lbs per week yet.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Every Saturday is my cheat meal, I don't log that day and I know I go way over. It hasn't affected my 2lbs per week yet.

    thank you. I feel this response is the closest to what I was asking (not saying others didn't add good feedback).

    Having a 'cheat' day is something a few people on here have to get over plateaus and the like, some I think do it like you do, regularly. I'm debating if I want to add one to my plan or not.