Does any body else feel like..



  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I was like that in the beginning, drove my friend nuts, lol. Now I've kind of gotten into the swing of things and it isn't as tough to push it aside when needed.

    This :) I definately do still think abt food a lil too much, but when it's all about what I can do to make my meals better, I don't mind being "obsessed"... it does get easier when you get into the swing of it. Just keep working on it!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I don't think about food and the whole calorie thing does not bother me. Here is what I do.

    Sunday morning I generate a meal plan for the entire week, minus Friday that is my cheat day. I put it into MFP to make sure I have the correct number of protiens, carbs, fibers ect and then I prepare if in tupperware containers and place each days of food in a plastic bag. Then when I make my lunch for the day, I just grab out that bag and put it in my lunch box.

    If for some reason I eat something not planned, cookie in the office, I just work out a little more that night.

    This works for me and I don't need to think about food and what my next meal will be.
  • OtakuEngineer
    I have quite a few calories to play around with so I'm not all that obsessive with it... I usually eat the same thing for breakfast each day, then have a general idea of what kind of other small meals I can have throughout the day according to what I'm eating for dinner that night. Most days I just put in my breakfast, dinner, and a protein drink at the start of each day, and I can figure it out in my head as to what else I can have.

    Again my BMR is almost 2900 calories, so I have quite a bit to work with... my only thing at the moment is having a general idea of where I'm at, which I usually try and stick too about 2K calories a day, which isn't hard... getting in my exercise 4-5 times a week... and watching not necessarily the amount of calories but making sure there aren't too many carbs, enough protein, not too much fat and low sugar... and making sure I don't have anything high in sodium the evening before I weigh in or that screws with my numbers.

    I just find that it's more so about gaining a general knowledge of what is good, what isn't, how much you can take in, and kinda keep it floating around in your head to build good eating habits. I certainly don't want to be using this tool after I've hit my goal weight, but rather to use it now as an educational tool to train myself so I don't have to depend on it.
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    I think I did more, but I've also allowed myself "days off" where I don't OVEREAT, but I don't hardcore count. Of course I can't do them too much, but they allow me a time to go for that CRAVING.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    All I think about is "do I have enough calories left for this" & "calories calories calories" It gets annoying as I can never have a clear mind. So yeah, Kinda takes the fun out of weight loss.

    There is "fun" in weight loss? If only.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I feel a little obsessed, but in a world where there is food Everywhere, readily available, salty, processed... it can't hurt to have your mind on what healthy foods you can find/prepare/plan for. I think it's exciting to be in control of myself and what I put in my mouth. :) So yes, it takes up a good chunk of my brainwaves, but that's better than when I mindlessly stuffed my face and used the brain waves on self-loathing. :)
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I just worry that I will eat something that will cause me an extra 45 min. on the the jellybeans I ate today...little buggers
  • hillaryroland
    All I ever think about is my next meal, and when I finish eating I start thinking about the next one, and planning what I'm going to eat for days ahead. Its kind of frustrating, just seeing numbers everywhere instead of food. Gotta do what you gotta do though I guess

    ^^^story of my lifeeeeee
  • Karalopolous
    All I ever think about is my next meal, and when I finish eating I start thinking about the next one, and planning what I'm going to eat for days ahead. Its kind of frustrating, just seeing numbers everywhere instead of food. Gotta do what you gotta do though I guess

    I wish I could say I didn't think like this, but I do this as well!!! It's horrible! I even complain about being hungry WHILE I'm eating sometimes! What a fatty!!!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I've only been doing this for a month or so, and I've decided I'm going to enjoy what I eat, so I try to think of things I like and find better ways to prepare them, better things to buy, etc. I think its time and brain cells well spent!
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    I think if you're thinking about it in a positive way such as:

    "I have 400 calories left, so I am going to plan how I will use them so I don't go over." Then that's ok.

    but if you're thinking about them in a negative way such as:

    "I have 400 calories left, so I will eat a giant peice of chocolate cake and use them for that!" Then, that might be a problem LOL
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    Agreed!! :) It depends on how you are thinking about it... Good luck to you!
  • ThePunkHippie
    Yes. I've been at this almost a month & I realized today that I'm either going to obsess over calories & food, or I'm going to quit. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for me.