Job offer/Travel/ what the F**K to do?!

mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
Just recieved a job offer which would take me away from my home and all over the world for long periods of time.

I want to do this but am concerned for my relationship, my dog, and my diet/lifestyle.

Do I or Don't I?

It's something that I always wanted when I was single but now that my priorities have changed i've started to worry...

What to do?!


  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Flip a coin 3x majority wins!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I travel for work. It really depends on how much travel is involved..
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    UM DO IT! Don't let fear get in the way of having new experiences in life. Stay active, eat within moderation, and find a way to do it.
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    Do it! You'll regret it if you don't. Once in lifetime experience and all that. You'll make it work.
  • Daisy_Cutter
    I think it depends on your situation - but if I was single, no kids, and had the opportunity to travel for work. I'd do it in a heartbeat. You can run or walk all over the place for exercise. Think of the things you'll get to see... I would hate for you to look back and think "I should have."

    What a grand time you'll have!
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    try it, you can always come back, good luck. x
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    How long is the job for? Is it a serious relationship? If so, might be good to talk with your co-relationshipee. As to the dog... that's a tough call. Yes, great opportunity for new experiences... Sucks if you're on the road 50 weeks of the year... Just have to try to find balance with all the things you value. Good luck!
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    Life changes when you move overseas... but I envy you the opportunity.

    It will be a change, but certainly worth it. Life is short, the world is wide.

    Never live life with regrets... and depending on the location, the dog can come with you. I brought mine home.
  • Angelap1121
    What an awesome problem to have! congratulations on the opportunity even if you decide not to take it. I use to want to travel for work (although most people who do don't like it, because they are working and don't get to really enjoy the traveling). But honestly, since I got married and want to start a family, it's just not a priority anymore. It's really hard though when you start realizing some of your old dreams don't apply anymore. I had a really hard time adjusting to that and thought maybe I was losing my ambition and focus. It took awhile to understand that in life what you may really want and makes you happy is not what you thought when you were younger. Not saying that it might still be the best thing for you, but that is where I am now. Being away from my family for work is not in the cards anymore. Good luck and let us know what you decided!
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    I think it depends on your situation - but if I was single, no kids, and had the opportunity to travel for work. I'd do it in a heartbeat. You can run or walk all over the place for exercise. Think of the things you'll get to see... I would hate for you to look back and think "I should have."

    What a grand time you'll have!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    First of all take a deep breathe. Do u want the job? If u do and u dont have kiddos then make it work, if it's what YOU want. Your bf should be supportive, if not then he may not be the one. As for the dog, u will have to find a sitter. As for diet, it's hard but it can be done. As for exercise, you can walk or run anywhere :)

    I travel for work. About 2 days every other week. Sometimes more, right now less. It is not overseas so usually short flights.

    I have had offers for a better position with more money but it requires more travel. At this time with 2 lil kids, I don't want to but maybe when my youngest is in grade school in a few years. But I know from experience thAt travel strains a relationship, but u can make it work, it will not be easy and it takes work. I love to travel, I get bored going into the office ever day. I would rather give myself a root canal than sit in a cubicle, at this time I work from my home office which is nice but I get bored. :)
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    If it is something you've always wanted to do .. I say do it. If your relationship is solid, he will understand and respect your decision. Just make sure to discuss it .. make plans on what to do when you get back and that you guys make time for each other when that happens. The dog thing is harder .. if your relationship is living with you then it shouldn't be a problem, if not maybe your dog can go to a friend/family nearby where you can see him/her when you get back but know that he/she is being taken care of well when you are away. The health reasons aren't valid .. there is NO reason why you can't continue to lose weight/exercise while traveling. There are a lot of resources out there with information for people who travel (motel room workouts/use their gym/pool if they have one, and buying your own snacks like fruit/veggies to keep in your room and making healthier choices if you have to eat out). I think if you really want this and it's a dream you should do it! Sounds exciting!
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Make it a coin toss. Heads you go, tails you stay. By the time the coin is in the air, you will know what side you are hoping to see land :wink:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    That would be my dream come true. If you don't want the job, I'll take it
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I'm really excited about the offer (which I think may be a sign) but wow... what a change it will be! I don't have kids yet so that's not an issue.

    I'm nervous, excited, scared, and freaking out because I have a great job already and don't want to burn any bridges if it doesn't work out...

    (is it all right to scream in excitement/terror while in an office? lol)
  • stevepierson
    Do it! You'll regret it if you don't. Once in lifetime experience and all that. You'll make it work.

  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I'm really excited about the offer (which I think may be a sign) but wow... what a change it will be! I don't have kids yet so that's not an issue.

    I'm nervous, excited, scared, and freaking out because I have a great job already and don't want to burn any bridges if it doesn't work out...

    (is it all right to scream in excitement/terror while in an office? lol)

    Yay!!!!! I am excited for you!!!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Please do it.

    It's obvious you want to and can. Especially with no children. Life is too short. If you leave correctly you will burn no bridges. Just take it one step at a time and talk to your family if you need to for further confirmation.

    As for your relationship they should be fine... men and women go over seas all the time for months on end for deployment and their relationships survive. I guess it really depends on how serious you guys are and what you both have plans for. If my husband was to travel I would be all for it.

    I'm actually still laughing at him as he turned down a trip offered to him with short notice to work at the pentagon because he couldn't get a hold of me. Sigh. That experience for him is now gone until further notice and all because he couldn't get a hold of me. Silly little things like that can make or break plans.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Go for it. What is the worst that can happen? You hate it and come home.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Just recieved a job offer which would take me away from my home and all over the world for long periods of time.

    I want to do this but am concerned for my relationship, my dog, and my diet/lifestyle.

    Do I or Don't I?

    It's something that I always wanted when I was single but now that my priorities have changed i've started to worry...

    What to do?!

    This is basically my job, haha. I don't travel all over the world but I travel all over NZ and it IS hard.
    Boyfriend: my boyfriend is amazing, I adore him, and I thought the distance would be an issue but it makes us value the time we do spend together so soooo much more.
    Dog: I have a cat, and I found it really difficult, but my cat thinks my boyfriend is its owner :( she's still a happy girl and I guess thats the main thing but I still wish she followed me around the house lovingly!
    Diet/Lifestyle: This is a big change because routines are impossible. I just recently quit my gym because I cant go often enough to make it worth it (I can only go weekends, and I will usually only go one day on the weekend) but when I travel I find it a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning and go for a run or do some yoga than when I am at home with a snuggly cat and boyfriend. Diet is quite easy if you stay in motels (fortunatley we request where we want to stay so we always choose places with cooking facilities, and instead of claiming back meal costs we just get a standard daily allowance) with cooking facilities and cook your own meals. It also is quite good because cooking for myself I only cook healthy foods, and I can use whole foods and cook from scratch because I have nothing else to do in the afternoons I can take my time. the only issue I have is if I get bored in the evening I tend to snack, so if you can get that under control you should be fine!!