ideas for decreasing carbs

joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
Hi sorry about the title couldn,t think of a suitable one. i have reset my percentages on MFP to 45% carbs, 30% protein and 25% fat. The trouble is I am always over on carbs about 55-60%. I have just started weight lifting so wanted to eat more protein but i am also a runner training for a marathon so didn,t want to go rediculously low on carbs. I have no idea how to eat low carb I love cereal and if i am on nights often eat it twice if not 3 times a day. I like eggs but if i eat them my choleterol is way over. I have a protein shake daily, eat meat low fat dairy. I also tend to eat things like oat cakes and wholemeal bread. I also like fruit. My diary is open if you need to look. What can i eat in place of these things to get my carbs down.


  • For the egg and cholesterol thing - Using more egg whites rather than the whole egg with yolk. Eggs are great!
    On the carb situation- Try eating 1 piece of bread rather than 2, and definitely cut back on the cereal at night. Your diary seems really low on protein, and rather high on carbs (as you had stated). You might feel more sustained if you started eating more protein and healthy fats rather than carbs, throughout your day.
    Try including more baked/grilled chicken breast or turkey and avocados and things into your day, rather than so much bread and cereal.
  • ackersb
    ackersb Posts: 26 Member
    Your diary looks good and pretty healthy! I have been on the south beach diet (before ) and they had some excellent recipes.You could google that or Atkins recipes. I love ground turkey which is a great protein and low in cholesterol. I make meatloaf with it and you could use almond meal mixed with herbs rather than breadcrumbs. You can also add it to your oatcakes (I am guessing they are similar to pancakes?). I also make oat and sweet potato pancakes which are delicious! You are welcome to add me or if you want I can give you some recipes : )

    BTW, I avoid lowfat dairy myself because I recently learned that it isn't as good for your bones. I was really surprised.

    Good luck!! And that is exciting that you are running a marathon! Happy, healthy thoughts coming your way : )

  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Sweet potatoes, yams, and cauliflower are your friends. There are tons of recipes where you can use these to replace bread/ grains/ regular potatoes in a meal. For example, instead of having rice with your chicken, you can have cauliflower rice. You can have baked cauliflower taters instead of potato ones. You can have baked sweet potato fries instead of french fries. You can have a baked yam with your steak, instead of mashed potatoes or bread.

    When you are using eggs, you can use one with yolk, and one without. That will lower the cholesterol.

    Instead of cold sugary cereal, you can occasionally have a more filling, fiber filled oatmeal cereal.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Add non starchy veggies. I eat veggies with every meal including most breakfasts. Instead of snacking on cereal try veggies dipped in hummus or greek yogurt with herbs.

    I figure, if you are doing ok with carbs, losing/maintaining weight, feel good etc, then don't worry too much about them. It looks like you eat healthy stuff.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Thanks for your imput will look at atkins/ south beach etc for recipe ideas. I don,t want to cut out carbs altogether just trying to get more protein thanks again. I do eat porridge which i really enjoy and have cut out muesli as it is so high in sugar. I am finding yoghurt to be very high in carbs which I never really expected. A steep learning curve i think whilst trying not to get obsessive.