so confused!

Please help!

I am so confused about eating back calories that you've 'gained' from exercise. My daily goal without exercise is 1590 kcals which works for me (most of the time), in fact there is an odd day where I just do not feel I need that much. However when I exercise, my daily goal shoots up sometimes past 2000 kcals and I really struggle to eat that amount (unless I'm eating out in which case it is scarily easy)! So should I be eating all those extra calories back?? And if I should, what kinda food should I eat?

If you take the time to read this and respond - thank you so much! I'd really appreciate any help and advice! :)


  • kkjjll
    kkjjll Posts: 31
    i have trouble eating back all the calories also,,, as long as you are eating enough to maintain your body!!! then you have to have a deficit in order to loose... good luck and keep on keeping on... karen :)
  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    You don't have to eat them all back. But you should be eating more when you exercise to fuel the exercise and maintain about the same calorie deficit. Try eating about 50% of your exercise calories and see how it goes.
  • gezman
    gezman Posts: 10
    I eat about half of my exercise calories back, my daily calorie iintake is set at 1580, my daily exercise averages about 1100 calories burned, I usually eat about 2000-2100 calories a day. Sometimes it is hard to get all of my calories in if I eat my first meal late, so that evening I will usually eat a high calorie snack, my favorite is a high fiber/low cal tortilla with peanut butter, or some extra almonds. It is too easy for me to start cutting back, then I feel deprived and will want to binge. Good luck.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i eat all of mine back.. i net 1845, and gross up to 2500 on cardio days. though i use a HRM to get my calorie burns, so its a bit more accurate than MFPs numbers.
  • YvetteRoy
    YvetteRoy Posts: 13
    Ya know what -- I don't really pay too much attention to my calorie allowance. I eat when I feel hungry and keep the portion sizes under control and as long as I am making it to my minimun calorie need most days then I am good with that. I have to admit that I am a junk food fan (cake, candy and ice cream being my major weaknesses) so I just make sure that on those days that I indulge myself that I have worked out enough to make up for it.