resturant workers

Is there anyone else that works in a resturant? Do you find it extra hard to diet? I do and was just looking to possible start a group for thoseof us who work in the same business!!!


  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Is there anyone else that works in a resturant? Do you find it extra hard to diet? I do and was just looking to possible start a group for thoseof us who work in the same business!!!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    :laugh: I worked in an organic salad bar for 4 months... made it easy to diet and eat healthy! But I feel your pain... I also have worked at a bingo hall snack kitchen where they served the most fattening things ever...

    Are you working in a fast food place? Are you in the kitchen or serving? I'll be going to cooking school in January, I have a feeling it'll be hard for me to keep within my calories.... :grumble:

    For a suggestion... I started biking to work when I thought I was eating too many calories. It's sooo hard to count them all, because whenever its slow you get bored and eat! I figured the 15 minute bike ride off set the damage a bit. Depending on where you work, you might be able to snack on the lighter stuff... carrot sticks instead of french fries.

    Good luck, I know how tough it can be
  • Funisweetsmart
    Funisweetsmart Posts: 32 Member
    I work at ColdStone Creamery!

    I worked there in high school and gained 15 lbs in 2 years! I just started working there a week ago and haven't had any ice cream! I just don't care for it anymore and plus I know how much calories are in it and how I wouldn't be able to eat anything else for the day!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Im a server ina fine dining resturant. We get all the free bread, soup and salad we want. The downfalls to each ourbread is topped with butter before its cooked not counting whats already in it, the soup LMFAO we have New england clam chowder, lobster bisque and shrimp bique salad would be ok but I need dressing on my salad and we dont have anything lowfat/low calorie.
  • SaritaChiquita
    SaritaChiquita Posts: 25 Member
    I am a line cook. When I first started dieting, I found it extremely difficult. It took me awhile to get used to practically not eating in the restaurant (I still have to taste my sauces though..). Oh-yeah, and I get a free "family meal" every shift.... which is almost always something I shouldn't be eating.

    I've started packing a snack and meal every day. It's not very economical (compared to free), but it's worth it. On the bright side, it makes it a lot easier to pack lunch. I can bring meat, cheese, and bread for a sandwich.... Then grab a slice of tomato, lettuce and onion (or whatever) from the restaurant to add to my meal. Or, if you get a free family meal, ask about getting a side of steamed veggies instead, and add it to what you brought. I'm not sure what type of restaurant you work in, but the kitchen should have a scale.

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Im a server ina fine dining resturant. We get all the free bread, soup and salad we want. The downfalls to each ourbread is topped with butter before its cooked not counting whats already in it, the soup LMFAO we have New england clam chowder, lobster bisque and shrimp bique salad would be ok but I need dressing on my salad and we dont have anything lowfat/low calorie.

    Do you have access to olive oil and balsamic? That's all I have on my salad any more... it isn't super low calorie, but as long as it's just veggies in the salad it should be a better open than bread! Or bring your own low cal and stash it in the walk-in?

    The thing I hated most about working in the kitchens is the look you get if you bring your own food from home...!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Oh yeah I know the looks you would be referring to lol!! I do bring food but I dont really get a chance to breath let alone eat lol!!!! Itsjust super hard though when Im at work more though than at home. My last job I did get family meal and it was amazing bc of course it was cooked at work where there was amazing food lol. So I could not resist thank goodness they dont do that here.

    Olive oil and balsamic ys I have access to both but I dont like balsamic and olive is great for dipping bread in LOL!! I have never actually tried it on a salad.
  • laurenjill
    laurenjill Posts: 94 Member
    Oh man, this has been my biggest issue. I'm a manager at Jimmy John's, which is awesome and all, and I do have healthy options, but there's only SO MANY turkey or roast beef sandwiches without the mayo I can eat without FREAKING HATING IT. Not only that, but I work two nine hour shifts and two eleven hours shifts, most of which I'm slicing and on my feet for the duration of my shift, so working out on those days would be PAINFUL. I do have three days off and bust my butt working out, but those four days I'm working, skip meals without even thinking about it. Ugggghhhh.
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    I work at Starbucks. They just released the Raspberry lemon loaf! It's pure evil. (340 calories a slice) I basically looked up all their drinks on the site and made a list of ones under 200 calories I could consume. The baristas try to load me up with yummy drinks but I decline and have someone simple and low calorie. I don't even go near the treat counter. They do have yogurt and some other treats that are healthy ish though.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    tofuheart, any suggestions on which drinks might be the best ones (calorie-wise). Thanks!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    I feel you lauren I work 5 days a week generally with no break and my shifts vary from 7-10 hours a shift. It is so hard to workout on those days but Im going to try and start doing it before work and before Im toobeat. We will see how that works out for me!!

    Yes I would love to know which drinks I am able to consume from there. IT is one of my favorite places and I was told the other day that their website is not accurate on calories. Any info would be great.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I def know how you guys feel! I work at Red Lobster. I always have problems finding time and energy to exercise after long/busy days at work... I work about 35-40 hours a week and when I have time, I unfortunately munch on those yummy cheddar bay biscuits! AND let me just add...those biscuits ARE yummy, but... they have 200 some calories in them! Crazy!

    How have you guys been doing with exercise after/before work? Any advice?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Oh yeah!!! I am an assistant manager at Arbys and believe me, no diet food there.
  • quinnybear
    quinnybear Posts: 243
    i work at a bbq restaurant and we have a veggie burger on our menu (its the original gardenburger). i eat a garrdenburger on a kids bun (110 calories less than our normal bun) with a side of our homemade bbq beans (about 150 calories). i am surrounded by ribs and hot links all day long so ordering that veggie burger takes a lot of willpower!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Im a server ina fine dining resturant. We get all the free bread, soup and salad we want. The downfalls to each ourbread is topped with butter before its cooked not counting whats already in it, the soup LMFAO we have New england clam chowder, lobster bisque and shrimp bique salad would be ok but I need dressing on my salad and we dont have anything lowfat/low calorie.

    Just take some salad dressing with you. You can buy individual packets that you can place in your pocketbook, they don't even need to be refrigerated. I used to work in the food industry and the management let us bring some stuff like that in.

    Or, just spritz the salad with a tiny bit of olive oil and lemon and/or vinegar. I'm sure those are on hand.
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    I could do that but I dont like lemaon or vinager LOL!! The packet idea I like that one though thanks for the idea I may just start doing that!!

    I used to work at Arbysway back when and boy I dont think they even know what semi-healthy is LOL!!
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    tofuheart, any suggestions on which drinks might be the best ones (calorie-wise). Thanks!

    Yes, I have a whole list I keep in my purse so when I order my drinks on my breaks or before work I'm not eating all my calories in drinks. It's been a tough go but I'm doing better now. This is my list and you might like some of the items here:

    Grande Skinny (non fat milk) Latte - 130 calories, 5 fat, 13 protein
    Grande Skinny Hazelnut Latte - 130 calories, 0 fat, 12 protein
    Grande Skinny Caramel Latte - 130 calories, 0 fat, 12 protein
    Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte - 200 calories, 0 fat, 12 protein
    Grande Skinny Iced Latte - 90 calories, 0 fat, 8 protein
    Tall Skinny Hot Chocolate - 190 calories, 20 fat, 11 protein (ask for half syrup for less fat)
    Grande Skinny Vanilla creme - 200 calories, 5 fat, 12 protein
    Grande Frap light blended coffee - 160 calories, 10 fat, 5 protein
    Grande Skinny Banana Choc Vivanno - 250 calories, 15, 21 protein (I eat this for a meal)
    Grande Tazo shaken Ice Tea Lemonaide - 130 calories, 0 fat, 0 protein (ask for half syrup, for less sugar, as it's high)

    Don't ever get whip cream on anything. It's 100 extra calories! If you don't drink milk like me, get soy. It's about 30 calories more for every drink though. You can get most of them decaf.
  • chels627
    chels627 Posts: 15
    I work at a steak house/mexican restaurant-weird combo, huh???? I've worked there for the past 5 years and i have gained 35 lbs within that time and hate it.... Now that I am trying to be more conscious about how many calories are in which types of foods, it helps. I started off really well and lost 10 lbs in the first month and its been two months since and i haven't lost anything else and have not been keeping on track. I try and eat every three hours to keep up my metabolism, so i bring laughing cow light cheese and kashi crackers or eat it with green peppers. i try to snack on oranges when im working and i'll bring a lean cuisine for dinner or try and eat a piece of plain grilled chicken and have grilled onions and peppers as a side or i'll have a kid sized burger with cheese and no bun and use mustard to dip. i need help getting back on track and i need to get more will power...:glasses:
  • chels627
    chels627 Posts: 15
    i also bought my own fat free ranch dressing and keep it in the reach in and use that on salads or to dip peppers in. i keep that at work and bought a fat free italian for home...the looks i get when i bring in my own stuff is funny at first then people start respecting it and not giving the looks. i've had co-workers actually ask to use some of my dressing instead of our homeade delicious bleu cheese which is sooooo hard to say no to.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Im a line cook as well (for the best food and beverage in the valley! woooo! We won it this year! :bigsmile: ) anyways... I find it hard yes... When its a slow day and if there are left over fries... Or if one of the other cooks cook up something SO AWESOME its hard to resist.. I usually ask one of the waitresses to get me a pitcher of water and I can drink 2 or 3 a night... It usually keeps my hands busy so i dont go for food.. If I MUST have something to eat I try for raw veggies... or the hummus.. I LOVE hummus hahaha

    I work the afternoon shift which is nice.. I have a small breakfast... maybe 250-150 cals most. then a bigger lunch of about 350 cals maybe a snack for 100-200 cals.. which will leave me about 600-800 cals for dinner.. then I just have some garlic toast... maybe hummus and pita... maybe veggies and tziki.. I ALWAYS have a few fries.. hahaha for instance yesterday I had about... 500 cals left for dinner.. so at work I had some garlic toast (we make all our food from scratch) and there was maybe a cup of fries left over so i took them with some cheese and gravy and had myself a nice little poutine! My weight still went down! I drank only one pitcher of water yesterday at work though!