Hello everyone I am new (:

Hello there everyone,

I am new to this site and new to changing my lifestyle to a more healthy one. A bit about myself - I am 25 years old and working in Perth, WA. I am originally from Singapore but have been in Perth for close to 5 years now. I am getting married in November (: And would love to continue doing a Master's next year. My background is in research science, and I am currently working in Neuroscience.

I have quit smoking for over a year now as I am going to be a wife soon and want to be a good role model for my children one day. I would love to get my lungs and stamina back! I used to be a long distance runner in my high school track team and used to play touch rugby. I am now wanting to get back in shape for a few reasons - one of the main ones is, yes admittedly I want to look fab on my wedding day. (which girl doesnt? ;p) But also, I want to change my eating habits and lifestyle so that one day when I have kids, I can bring them up with good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. With our global warming, pollution etc, our health has never been more at stake! And we have to be more responsible for how we treat our bodies and health!

As for my weight loss, I used to be around 49-52 kg (when I was 19-20 years old) but have put on a bit more weight and now weigh 58kg. My fiance is in England now studying and when I went over to visit him over last Christmas, I ate so much food and put on weight and was 63kg in the UK. Came back from the UK and worked out and went on a diet (eating less calories) and lost 6kg over 3 weeks. So now I am back at the weight I was before going to UK which is 58kg. I want to go back to what I was previously which is 49-52kg.

However, I think I am currently stuck at my weight now. I think I am at a weight loss plateau! I am having problems trying to meet my daily requirements of 1200 calories per day. And I have been exercising a lot and I havent loss anything. This has been for about a month already with no change in my weight :(

I am 158cm tall and weight 58kg currently. I exercise moderately. I try to hit the gym to do intense cardios about 3-4 times a week, and go for pilates 1-2 times a week.

I want to tone up as well. As I dont like my mid section area and thigh areas. I am apple shaped body. Skinny on arms and legs, but fatter on mid section and thighs.

I know nothing about nutrition and good food as I said I am new on trying to have a healthy lifestyle. So any recommendations to eating more/trying to lose weight would be awesome! I also want to know how to maybe build more muscle and increase my metabolism so I can get over my weight loss plateau! And I also need to know how can I increase my calories back to at least 1200 per day.

Thanks everyone! And kudos to everyone here who is as motivated as me to want to do something about your health/weight! Everyone deserves a good pat on their backs! :D