I hate exercise



  • Appleness
    Appleness Posts: 38
    Wow so many responses! I'm a tad overwhelmed by all the supportive answers :)
    I really like alot of points you all made, about not calling it exercise and especially not saying i "have" to do it but i "get" to do it.
    I do have a lot of negative thoughts about myself and am slowly working on being more positive with everything.

    I ordered a Fitbit this afternoon :)
    I'm so excited and can't wait for it to arrive. It won't get here for about a week though. But I'm determind to start working on 10,000 steps a day with my old cheap pedometer until it arrives.
    I think working with walking alot more is a good place to start without throwing myself in the deep end and working up my motivation.

    So in the morning I've made the decision to either go for a walk or go for a swim. :)
    New positive me! No more negative thoughts. If I stick to it I can lose the amount I want by August 20th.

    I want to say thank you to everyone as well. Want to let you know your words have helped me kick myself into gear!
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    To reach goals you sometimes have to do things you hate. Would you rather be fat or do boring exercises?
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    A) Just Dance is AWESOME. There is one that has the song "Let's go to the Mall" by Robin Sparkles. It is very fun. If you do it with a heart rate monitor, you'd be surprised at how much you can burn.
    B) When I was struggling to start, I would make an appointment for either a massage or a facial - something expensive and relaxing - 1 week out. Then i promised myself that i would do some sort of exercise 5 days that week - anything over 20 minutes counted as an exercise session. If I made it 5 times, i would go for my appointment. If I didn't make it, I would have to cancel. So...around Wednesday when i was lazy and didnt' want to do it, I would say...do you want to cancel that appointment? And I would get myself on for at least 20 minutes. Sometimes after 20 minutes, i felt ok to keep going, but other times I didn't.

    Then, I made another appointment 2 weeks out, and said, i had to go 10 times in 14 days. It was a goal to get to, and even though i hated the exercise, I really wanted that massage.

    Anyway, it got me off the couch.