Picky Eaters?

I've always been a picky eater, and honestly, it's because I genuinely dislike most of it. Turkey and steak, for example, taste absolutely horrible to me. Spicy stuff makes me cringe, and even though peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are one of my favorite foods, if it's not grape jelly or creamy peanut butter, I can't stand it. Heck, I don't even like yogurt (I think it's a combo of the texture and the taste.. no idea). It doesn't help that I'm allergic to citrus, flax seed, and a whole bunch of other things.

Some of my family used to make fun of me for it big time, telling anyone who would listen that all I eat is chicken and hot dogs (which isn't and has never been true). It was absolutely humiliating, and they usually got mad at me for not taking it as a joke if I said anything or acted upset. It started practically from the time I stopped taking a bottle to... well, it still happens on occasion with the family members I don't see very often.

I hate being so picky. The teasing from my family has made me feel anxiety about going out to eat or going over to someone's house because I'm scared of not liking what they're having for dinner.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what do you do about it?