New Member

Well I guess I was already a member, but don't remember. I have rediscovered the site and my want to get into shape with being in a wedding. I want to lose 20 pounds and can't wait to see how the site helps!!


  • ballardr1
    ballardr1 Posts: 21
    Welcome. Hope everything goes well. I see you want to lose 20 pounds. But how much time do you have? A goal requires a set time.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me, I'm on every day so I'll keep you accountable :P
  • ClolaLola
    ClolaLola Posts: 4 Member
    Im a new memeber too :) Although Im doing this mostly for myself it will be nice to have some friends on the site to help motivate me and stuff, seen as we're all on this for the same reason.would be nice to share my progress etc with others in the same boat
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    Hi...I am new to Myfitnesspal, but not to dieting. I am struggling to lose weight that I had already lost and then regained. I am having serious trouble getting the weight off. I like the ease of the phone application of this site and it is enabling me to capture everything I put in my mouth. Those little sneaks or tastes add up.

    I consider this going back to basics..i.e. logging religiously, eliminating white flour, eating minimal processed food. Exercise...not an issue. I am in the gym daily. I have remnants of emotional eating that sabotage my progress at least once per week. Hopefully, better logging with keep me honest.

    I would love to correspond with anyone so we can keep each other motivated.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Welcome. I hope all goes well in your quest to lose the weight. Just a note to you and other new users, before posting a question, it might speed things up for you to use the Search button just above the list of message boards. It is also a good idea to read the posts telling you how this site works such as this one . Both will save you from a lot of confusion.