runners with plantar fasciitis

I have been training for an upcoming marathon and my plantar fasciitis is unbearable. I have been using the trigger point system to help with stretching but no matter what my running just kills it. Just was wondering what you guys did to help with the pain, and also what shoes have worked best for you?


  • BodyStepper
    I have been training for an upcoming marathon and my plantar fasciitis is unbearable. I have been using the trigger point system to help with stretching but no matter what my running just kills it. Just was wondering what you guys did to help with the pain, and also what shoes have worked best for you?
  • lgolden
    lgolden Posts: 164
    My husband was just diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and was unable to run. He went to the doctor and the doctor fitted him with orthotics to place in his running shoes. He is able to run again!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I am just starting running but have had plantar fasciitis in the past. My doctor prescribed custom made orthotics. My insurance covered them (thank goodness, they were $300) though. They made me stand on this foam thing and took an imprint of my foot then made these inserts from that. The inserts can slide into any shoe I have (with the exception of heels). It made a HUGE difference.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I co-worker training for a 1/2 marathon has this. She was also given orthotics but was also told that tight calf and hamstring muscles make it worse. She has started doing yoga on her running days off and it is improving.
  • Stephomie
    Stephomie Posts: 89 Member
    Talk with your doctor and get a referral for physical therapy. There is probably something more going on that you need addressed to prevent more problems.
  • Stephomie
    Stephomie Posts: 89 Member
    Talk with your doctor and get a referral for physical therapy. There is probably something more going on that you need addressed to prevent more problems.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    PF stopped me from running - i was also training for a marathon when it occurred. I've learned that I have extremely tight feet with super high arches and tight calves, which I wasn't aware of with my pre-marathon running. Once I started adding miles, even though I was following a good training plan, the PF developed. I've tried everything. Orthotics help with the pain, but for me, they never really got rid of it. I think a multi-pronged approach is best with this. You have to figure out why you are developing PF and correct it. Then, you have to treat the injury and rehab it. Then, you have to build up the strength of your feet and legs properly.

    I ice my feet every day with a frozen can of peas (label removed). I also stretch my calves and feet before I get out of bed. I have incorporated Yoga to help stretch my legs and feet. The best thing I've found is something called foam rolling. A lot of athletes use it. It is a piece of tubular foam (think of those floating pool "noodles" kids use) that you roll your body over. Sounds crazy, but a friend of mine is a trainer and she swears by it and sent me one to try. I looked online and found a lot of tips on how to use it. Basically, it works the same as having a personal massage therapist everyday. I use that on my calves for the PF, and now I actually use it on all of my muscle groups every day before I exercise. I also roll a tennis ball or softball under my feet to massage the feet. For a while, I used ibuprofen every day for inflammation, but I'm trying not to do that anymore.

    Now that the pain has mostly resolved, I am working on strengthening my feet and calves. A good phys. therapist can give you excellent exercises for this. Good luck, this is a tough one.