Too sore to Turbofire...

1a1a Posts: 761 Member
I was cranking the fitness a few months ago and got quite a few weeks into Turbofire (and lost quite a few kilos too which was nice). Then I let it go for a while, now I'm trying to pick it up again but every time I Turbo, my legs are insanely sore for a good couple of days after. I don't really get why this is happening this time around, but not last time. Any ideas? Should I push through and Turbo aching or settle for stretching on the days when I ache too much?


  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    Nice to see another person using Turbo Fire!!! My first few days were extremely rough, definitely had to work through the pain. When I end up taking a couple of days off and then re-start, I sometimes also experience soreness but it usually only lasts for a day or so. I would be careful about continuing to do the workouts if you're experiencing a lot of pain. Is it the same pains in the same places? Or are you having soreness in different places all the time? I would maybe consider also seeing a doctor in case you actually injured yourself. I have to take a break from the work outs right now since I broke my big toe Sunday, so it will be interesting to see if I have any of the same problems that you are experiencing. I hope you find out what's causing the pain for you. Turbo Fire is pretty awesome and I've been seeing great weight loss and loss of inches as well!!
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    Forgot to say one thing!......Make sure that you're doing at least 1 of the Stretch 10 videos every day. Maybe for awhile you want to do the Stretch 40 video at least 3 times per week and see if that helps at all.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I often have this same issue, but it doesn't last for more than a day at the most. Perhaps you have new muscle tissue along with more strength, so you are working more of your legs and working them even harder than before - which would explain the increased soreness I would think. That's my theory anyway. lol. I'm no expert though, but from my own experience, I seem to be more sore after workouts than I used to be. In the very beginning of starting TF though, I was very sore afterwards for about a month until I adjusted to the increased level of activity. Give it time, maybe it won't be so bad after a while. :)

    If it really is just sore muscle, I wouldn't sweat it. They say pain is just weakness leaving the body! Good luck and keep on keeping on with the TF! :heart:
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I am on week 11. Week 1 was hell. I was tiered and sore all the time, but yes I pushed through, and yes it did get better. I still get days when I’m sore, especially my legs. I think this is because you are jumping up and down and squatting for close to an hour – using your whole body weight. But I find that if I keep with it, it gets better. I find it doesn’t make it heal any quicker if I have a rest.
    Also, when I am sore and stiff – once I’ve started working out, within 5-10 minutes I feel much much better and the pain goes away.