New calorie goal

First let me say that I was banded in 8-11. I started at 215 and I am currently at 170ish. I still have 30 lbs to go but I have hit a stand still. I exercise 3 times a week, and next week will start 4 times a week.

So I just got off the phone with the nutritionist. She said I am not eating enough cals. My dr told me 1000 a day and thats what I have been doing since Aug. But I have bee stuck at 170-172 for a month now. So I went in this morning and changed my cal intake to 1200.

My question is.... should l use my exercise cals daily? I REALLY WANT TO GET OVER THIS HUMP.

Tks in advance for any advice and info.

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  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Generally I would say yes, you should eat your exercise cals. MFP takes your calorie deficit from your diet, you don't need to make it larger with exercise.
    But, as you aren't relying on MFP to calculate your calorie goal, you should check with your nutritionist and see what she recommends.
    Good luck!
  • sandiburn
    sandiburn Posts: 149
    bumping this to get more feedback.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    So I just got off the phone with the nutritionist. She said I am not eating enough cals.

    Did she tell you how many to eat?
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Ask your nutritionist about eating exercise calories.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    Agree with all of the above; get a little more detail from the nutritionist. And keep in mind that if your metabolism has indeed slowed down, you may need to bump up your calories gradually - 100-200 for one week, then up again the following week.