Help! I'm not thirsty...

Hi all! Well, before I started using MFP on 1/9/12, I would drink 6-8 tall glasses of water almost everyday. Now, it's all I can do to drink 2 cups a day. I love water and it's all I drink other than milk in my cereal in the AM or oj. I prefer it with a lemon wedge which helps me drink more of it. But lately, I'm just not very thirsty. Why? I don't drink coffee, I stopped drinking pop 15 yrs ago and I only drink alcohol socially a few times a year, so water is my favorite thing to drink. I must tell you that I don't care for flavored waters like Propel (I think it's too sweet for my taste) and I don't care for the crystal light flavored packets either. I try to fill up a large 32oz cup and keep a straw in it to help me drink it faster and more often, but just can't drink if I'm not thirsty. Anyone else in the same boat as me?


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    If you're looking to change up the flavor a little, try floating slices of cucumber in your water. Crisp and refreshing! I just keep my water bottle next to me and sip every 5-15 minutes. Refill when empty, or move on to the next bottle (depending on your system, of course). I find I'm drinking an average of 15 cups a day this way! I don't really feel thirsty most of the time, more just a dryness in my mouth. If I feel thirsty, I'm also heading into dehydration and nasty headaches, so I keep that at bay with this system.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    If you aren't thirsty, and you aren't dehydrated (pee is clear, not yellow), then don't worry about it, you are probably getting fluids in your other foods and you are fine. If your pee is yellow, thus you are dehydrated, then you need to make yourself drink some more.