Not meeting my calorie count

I've been using myfitnesspal because I was pretty sure I wasn't eating enough calories as I train for a half marathon. Turns out, I was right and I'm worried that I'll be putting my body into metabolic hold pattern if I don't eat enough but keep up my training. I don't want to lose weight, but I don't want to gain wait. Am I coming off as a snobby fit girl? If so, I don't mean to.

I've been recording my food and exercise as accurately as I can for the last week and a half or so, and I keep seeing that I'm under the 1,500 calories I'm supposed to average per day. And by "under," I don't mean that I'm under 50 calories or 100 calories: I'm under by a lot, like 500 calories or more once I've entered in my workout sessions.

Most of my days look like yesterday:
Calories consumed 1,256
Calories earned through exercise: 766
Total Goal calories: 2, 216
Remaining 960

Sure, I could just eat more, but I'm not *hungry:* I don't want to eat more.

So my question for those more knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness is:
Will being under my calorie goal for the day, once both food and exercise have been entered, be a problem for my metabolism and health in the (very near) future?