runners, i need your help

i noticed since i started running im actually gaining weight. diet has stayed same at about 1400 cals...i average a 300 cal burn/day...i shoot for 600 but dont make it often.

could it be water retention? should i take a running break?
any advice is appreciated.


  • gadzukks
    gadzukks Posts: 28 Member
    You need to eat more!
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Would love to help but need some more info - edit your post to include WHEN you started running, and HOW much you run per week. And if possible, what you were doing before you started running.

    If it wasn't that long ago, or if you are doing it every day without rest, then yes, water retention!
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    What you are probably gaining is muscle but you could always check with your doctor. By the way, great job on running :) It is an awesome workout.
  • ashcan92
    ashcan92 Posts: 8
    OMgoodness same here. I have been running and trying to get under 140 and since I've started running I'm stuck between 146 and 147.
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
    New workout = gaining new muscles, retaining water in muscles (good because it protects them) and your body kinda freaking out for a little bit. Stick with it. Your body will come around....
  • lgomez75
    lgomez75 Posts: 115
    i run ever day - i have an app on my phone that is slowly retraining me back into running. i have a torn acl and meniscus in my left knee and had to abandon running for a while.
    so the app works as follows, its for 30 min a day, I run for 5 min, walk for 3. This is on a treadmill. The run is set at a 5.2, the walk at a 3.5

    Its a great way to retrain my entire body into not rejecting the run, if you will.
    I started two weeks ago and noticed about a 5 lb gain since then.

    before the running, i was doing hot yoga and cardio once a week with a 1200 cal intake, 200 cal burn...i found that way too low.
    since ive started running i have also started drinking water again....this is where it gets REALLY bad. before these last two weeks, i could go DAYS without drinking water...hence my water retention idea...
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    muscle weighs more then fat
  • When I start running, I have to up my calories to continue losing. On the days I run, I sometimes fall under 1200, but I try to make up for it on the other days and net close to 1500 - a bit over my BMR. I also have a really hard time catching up with my water retention - My hands feel noticibly swollen all the time. It's not just you. If you take days off between runs, you'll notice at the beginning of the second day, if you drink a lot of water, you'll see a loss. I have a terrible time with water retention when I run.

    Also, you should probably be giving yourself rest days between your running days to allow your body to heal - most of the race training regimens have you run every other day.
  • mdinardo73
    mdinardo73 Posts: 15 Member
    You could also change up your run each time you do it, one day go for distance, the next do intervals, the next do hills.... give yourself some variety and shock your body a bit. I found some gain as well, and like one other poster I am stuck around the 145 mark. Also make sure to do some stretching and hydrate well. Your body will retain water if it isn't getting ENOUGH water... your body is smart and wants to make sure you are being efficient! :) Good luck and congratulations!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    You need to eat more! Eat back those exercise calories. And definitely drink A LOT of water!
  • carebear0173
    carebear0173 Posts: 13 Member
    just keep it up.... sometimes it takes 30 days before your metabolism REALLY kicks in.
  • lgomez75
    lgomez75 Posts: 115
    sounds like running every other day might help me see a difference. i have to work on the water thing - it should come natural but it doesnt...yet.
    might just keep the cals at 1400 for was quite distressing to see the 5 lbs i worked so hard to lose just glide right in back.
    but i do love how toned my entire body has gotten from even just this bit of time running.

    you guys rock...thanks for all the advice.
  • ahni77
    ahni77 Posts: 75
    any particular reason why you're running every day? You might want to vary your runs if you want to stick to an every day program. Some slow pace, medium pace and fast pace. I recommend taking a break in between runs and instead do weights or stretching. I ran my little heart out last year and my weight loss was stuck at 165 for about 8 months. Mind you, I trained everyday because I thought that's what I had to do to lose weight. Low and behold - I stopped running everyday about a month ago and instead picked up a kettlebell mixed with some cardio DVD's and guess what happened? I'm losing weight again. Do drink plenty of water every day!! Regardless, keep up the great work!!
  • Drink more water. You are probably retaining to help cushion your sore muscles. Also, muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound is a pound. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up less room. So, while you may feel that you are not losing weight your body shape may be changing due to the muscle build up. Try taking your measurements and you may see a reduction in inches.
  • carebear0173
    carebear0173 Posts: 13 Member
    What you are probably gaining is muscle but you could always check with your doctor. By the way, great job on running :) It is an awesome workout.

    i agree... you may be gaining muscle and just keep it up!!!
  • tinattinat
    tinattinat Posts: 56 Member
    muscle weighs more then fat

    ^^^no, it doesn't^^^^ It takes up less room, but it weighs the same
  • carebear0173
    carebear0173 Posts: 13 Member
    One more thing... I don't think you should increase your calories too much like a few others said. I have lost 27 lbs. running 3 - 4 days a week... about 3 - 4 miles each time ( and I currently average 9 minute miles) . and I eat between 1400 - 1500 calories a day (and then burn 300 - 400 running - so it's around 1200 NET calories) Maybe it's what you are eating & when you are eating??? I eat lots of fruits & veggies and soup. I go REALLY light on supper. Sorry if I am not much help - but what I do what you are doing and it worked for me!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Two of the adaptations from running are:
    > Increased blood volume
    > Increased storage of glycogen and water in the muscle cells

    These will both cause a weight gain of a couple of pounds that will not go away unless you stop running and become unfit.
  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means, but my opinion is that you need to eat more. I'm a runner, and when I first started, I didn't lose any weight. I gained a lot of muscle, though, and my body changed drastically. I was bummed about the new dropping any pounds, but I was proud of the changes I was making in my body. You need to fuel your body properly and sometimes that is hard to figure out. Great job on the running! You should be very proud of yourself.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    any particular reason why you're running every day? You might want to vary your runs if you want to stick to an every day program. Some slow pace, medium pace and fast pace. I recommend taking a break in between runs and instead do weights or stretching. I ran my little heart out last year and my weight loss was stuck at 165 for about 8 months. Mind you, I trained everyday because I thought that's what I had to do to lose weight. Low and behold - I stopped running everyday about a month ago and instead picked up a kettlebell mixed with some cardio DVD's and guess what happened? I'm losing weight again. Do drink plenty of water every day!! Regardless, keep up the great work!!

    This! I was running every other day...but I also had karate and dance and yoga in between. Stresses your body out like mad crazy. I would go down half a pound... Then get swollen and go up 3-5 pounds. RIDICULOUS. It wasn't until I slowed down this week and started doing lighter cardio, still chugging my water, that the water weight started to flush out and the swelling and weight went down again. Then I could actually see the muscle tone. Chances are, you're still losing and just can't see it, but you DO need to give your body a rest. You might not see a change until you get the water weight down.