I eat when I want. I eat when I am hungry.

I eat when I am hungry. I do not usually eat first thing in the morning because it makes me sick to my stomach. Always has since I was a child. I come from the type of family that has the thought, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So we would have to eat a huge meal first thing in the morning. Then I would go and be sick to my stomach. As I got older and could make that decision for myself. I learned that if I wake up and wait an hour or two before eating food then I could handle it better. This means sometimes I do not eat until 9-10 am by then to me it is lunch food not breakfast food. So my diary reflects what I eat from first thing in the morning until I log off at night. Does that mean I am losing weight wrong? No it does not. It means I am doing what's right for me. Too many people think there is only one way to do things. There are many different body types and many different choices to focus on. Such as if I eat 1200 cals I gain weight, if I eat 1000 I maintain, if I eat 800-900 I lose. Food allergies also play a big part in my diet. Not to mention cholesterol, sugar, sodium. I have many things that I have to work around. That is my body needs, not my friends or my family's. So do what you need to do for you individually. My hair is not falling out, I am developing muscle and losing fat. I can tell by my NSV's, that I am doing right for me. Maybe not you or anyone else but me. :wink: