Favorite Seinfeld Quotes



  • SisterC
    SisterC Posts: 121 Member
    :laugh: You don't have a square to spare??
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Its not a lie if YOU believe it.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    "Hellooooowww, Neuman"
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    Do you want a Christmas card? I will give you a Christmas card! (as Elaine rubs George's face against her chest) haha
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Jerry: This isn't a good time.
    Telemarketer: When would be a good time to call back, sir?
    Jerry: I have an idea, why don't you give me your home number and I'll call you back later?
    Telemarketer: Umm, we're not allowed to do that.
    Jerry: Oh, I guess because you don't want strangers calling you at home.
    Telemarketer: Umm, no.
    Jerry: Well, now you know how I feel.
    [hangs up phone]
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Shrinkage!!! lol
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    the Manzier...
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    "Oh it's got cache, baby, it's got cache out the ying-yang!"

    "They're REAL, and they're SPECTACULAR!"

    I still watch that show on an almost daily basis. LOVE IT! :laugh:
  • binky610
    binky610 Posts: 17

    I can beat ANYONE at Seinfeld trivia, btw. :tongue:

    I don't know...I'm pretty good. What are the names of George's horses when he lies to Susan's parents and says he has a place in the Hamptons?
  • jessikhi
    jessikhi Posts: 2
    Kramer: "I'm out there.. and I'm lovin every minute of it!"

    George: "Summer of George"

    "You're killing independent George!"

    "We had a pact!"
  • jessikhi
    jessikhi Posts: 2
    1) Prickly Pete... can't remember the other :(
  • binky610
    binky610 Posts: 17
    1) Prickly Pete... can't remember the other :(
    Prickly Pete & Snoopy! :laugh:

    Jerry (wearing the puffy shirt): But I don't want to be a pirate!
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    SERENITY NOW! Insanity later...
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I love being able to slip an arcane Seinfeld quote into everyday conversation. I was playing pickup basketball on Sunday, and a girl playing with us wanted to do rock-paper-scissors for ball to start each game. I beat her with rock two games in a row, and the following conversation ensued:

    her: Ugh, why do you always pick rock?
    Me: 'Cause, nothing beats rock.
    Her: Umm...paper beats rock (in a "you're an idiot tone).
    Me: Rock flies right through paper!
    Her (now really condesingly): No, paper wraps around rock.
    Me: Sorry...it's a Seinfeld reference.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    George: So she coughed.

    Jerry: Coughing? Naked? It's a turn-off, man.

    George: Everything goes with naked.

    Jerry: When you cough there are thousands of unseen muscles that suddenly spring into action. It's like watching that fat guy catch a cannonball in his stomach in slow motion.

    George: You're spoiled spoiled, man. You know how much mental energy I expend just trying to picture women naked?

    Jerry: But the thing you don't realize is that there's good naked and bad naked. Naked hair brushing - good. Naked crouching - bad.
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    In addition to all the above:

    Sex to SAVE the friendship. Well if we have to, we have to. (Jerry to Elaine)

    Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away.

    I'm not sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see... a nipple. (The one with the Christmas card)

    You can't eat this soup standing up. Your knees buckle. (Loved the episode with the soup)

    Always laughed at the way Jerry and Newman greeted one another, you could hear the tension every time.
    "Hello Jerry" "Hello Newman"

    There is no bigger loser than me! (George)

    *Remember the episode where Jerry couldn't remember the woman's name. The whole episode he is trying to figure it out....I don't remember it either!!! Do any of you remember?

    *The whole episode with the chicken place across the street...had me in stitches.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    "I was in the pool!" Hahahahaha....

    LOL...poor Georgie!
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    A George, divided against itself, Cannot Stand!
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Seinfeld, pahty of foh?