
Hey y'all!

Well Its been quite a few months (been in the process of moving) and I am back once again to my fitness pal! In the time I was gone I became addicted to coffee! I drink maxwells french vanilla packets that you mix with cold milk. no one in my house drinks fat free milk so I'm forced to drink what everyone else drinks which is LOW FAT milk. here is my issue... although the packet mix itself is not bad for me.... I think I am gaining weight from the milk. I've limited myself to only ONE cup a day. My question is: I know with soda there is a myth that you should drink 3 glasses of water to cancel out all the bloating you recieve from the carbonation. Is there a rule like that with milk???


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    At my house my daughter drinks 2%, I drink skim, and my hubby drinks coconut or almond milk! :bigsmile: I just buy the small carton of the skim milk for myself as I only use a small amount, and I've never had it go bad on me.

    I have no idea about the water cancelling out the milk issue. :tongue:
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    I love unsweetened vanilla almond milk, it's only 40 calories per glass!
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    I don't think their is any thing out there about drinking water to help with milk like soda. I think you are alright drinking the milk if it is accounted for in your calorie counts.
  • geocachelinda
    geocachelinda Posts: 5 Member
    I found that I have lactose intolerance (I believe), I switched to organic soy milk vanilla, has less calories and I don't get gas and bloating.