Diet pills......



  • CamsMama22
    I'm more or less wanting to try them just to see if they'll help give me some energy. Starting out I don't really have any and I was drinking 5-6+ cans of pop everyday. I'm down to 3 cans a day so far for the last two days. I don't plan on useing diet pills for the rest of my life, would just love some added energy right now.

    i am the same way with my pop intake and i read that drinking orange juice in the afternoon instead of pop gives you more energy and i tryed it and i only drink 1 can a pop a day and i have lots of energy during the day:drinker:

    Thanks for the advice!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    diet pills are for misguided beginners and fat serial dieters.

    Is there any need to put negative unneeded posts?!?! Were all adults here, lets act like it please!

    Good thing I didn't tell you what I really think. :laugh:

    I stand by my statement. Is there any need? Apparently so, because fully grown adults still ask about diet pills here almost every day.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    diet pills are for misguided beginners and fat serial dieters.

    Is there any need to put negative unneeded posts?!?! Were all adults here, lets act like it please!

    Good thing I didn't tell you what I really think. :laugh:

    I stand by my statement. Is there any need? Apparently so, because fully grown adults still ask about diet pills here almost every day.

    Unneeded? Im pretty sure his opinion was the same as many here, but he didn't sugar coat it.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    ill use ephedrine.

    Also dangerous to take.

    correct.. but used responsibly i think its pretty safe.

    I agree. It IS dangerous to take high doses of it, but I use it to help me not have asthma attacks while I'm exercising.

    Same reason I take ephedrine for my asthma now and then, though I can't say that it has any effect on energy for me. I can take two before going to bed to help with attacks at night, and I don't have any issues with jittery side effects or sleeping.

    Anyway, for the OP, were I you, and looking for some energy, I'd try drinking straight coffee. Yeah, kinda nasty, but it has barely any calories, helps suppress appetite, and is cheap. I have several cups a day, and find it works better than anything else to keep my energy up.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I used to be a huge fan of artificial energy from whatever source I could get it. That said, I have tried Hydroxycut and I didn't get any energy from it. I also tried some Jillian Michaels thing too. Nothing. Every since Ephedra got taken off the market nothing really gives me any energy. Strangely enough when I got past my head thinking I needed extra energy I have now realized that I don't actually need it! I actually HAVE more energy from losing weight, eating healthy and exercising! You can do this without a pill :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    As far as I know, ephedrine is illegal? At least in the US...

    Nope, ephedrine is not illegal, just severely restricted. I believe it's illegal to use in diet products, like pills, but for asthma treatments, it's legal, just regulated. You have to actually go behind the counter at Walgreens to buy it. ;)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    As far as I know, ephedrine is illegal? At least in the US...

    Nope, ephedrine is not illegal, just severely restricted. I believe it's illegal to use in diet products, like pills, but for asthma treatments, it's legal, just regulated. You have to actually go behind the counter at Walgreens to buy it. ;)

    Not in all states actually! Can't get bronkaid at all in iowa
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Diet pills are unnatural and have so many side effects. There are many who are obese, who have medial issues that prevent them from losing weight in the natural way, and diet pills have a place there. But the way you describe using them, is for energy? That way of thinking is not only misguided, but could also be unsafe. They are addictive, and can be detrimental in the long run; if not to your health, definately your long term weight loss effectiveness. These drugs, when used improperly can lead to a lot of adverse events and addiction. They are not chemically disimilar from amphetamines, crack, etc. Just becvause it comes in prescription form does not make it 100% safe.

    Why subject your body to this, when all you need to do is exercise, eat nutrient rich foods, maybe add vitamins/minerals/extra amino acid boosters? Of course, you are free to do what you like. But as a medical professional, I have seen the negative results of misuse of these drugs, and I warn you to be careful. Best of luck on your journey.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member

    mess up your body
    likely to put on weight you took off
    not worth it

    this gal has lost 115lbs with nothing but eating better and exercising more
    i wouldnt have done it any other way
  • RuthRuby
    RuthRuby Posts: 31
    I've been taking Cellucor Super HD and I love it! I would personally recommend it if you're not sensitive to stimulants.
    I've been going to the gym everyday and it makes me feel great! You can buy the trial size at GNC.
  • deedermooney
    deedermooney Posts: 9 Member
    I actually did take Hydroxycut Max for Women when I was starting out in January. I'm really unsure if it helped me lose weight but I did find it gave me a little extra energy. However I felt it also made me crash harder throughout the day. I did lose probably about 15 pounds when I first taking it, but I was also eating 1200 calories and working out 30 minutes, 7 days a week. I was also not taking the recommended dose, I believe its like a total of 6 pills in one day(waste of money). I ended up taking 2 pills a day one in the morning and one before I worked out.
    In my opinion I would probably buy them again and would recommend them to other people.
    If you take the make sure you drink plenty of water, up to dose slowly and don't take more than you need to. Also my boyfriend recommended taking them one month on, one month off, so your body doesn't get used to them.

    I hope this helps.
  • anneouel
    anneouel Posts: 70 Member
    I started takeing them and it seems I have a caffine sensitivity. I started getting feelings of anxiety and heart palpitations, idk not worth the money. Im losing weight faster off of them.. and oh boy u miss one pill and u get major headaches (well i do)
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    If you want something that kicks up your metabolism, try 1-6 teaspoons of organic cayenne pepper powder every morning. It increases circulation and will keep you awake especially right after you take it. To cut the burning sensation, try having yogurt or milk after taking it. Besides increasing circulation, it helps digestion and prevents ulcers.

    Thanks for the tip. Where did you learn that?

    I take cayenne suppliments as well. I also take tumeric which I believe I started taking in conjunction because it keeps cayenne from irritating your stomach as well as other health benefits. Don't quote me on anything but those two are super good for you. Research it. My friend started taking the two and had a hard time sleeping so she switched to taking in the morning.
  • Alot_2_loose
    I have given up on diet pills. Nothing seems to ever work. If it does, only for a short time.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    Oh and i've never taken a diet pill in my life. I am scared of the negative things that could happen. I stick to the old fashioned way of losing weight.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I think you're probably exhausted. How early at night can you put your child to bed? Stay away from the internet at night time, watch a nice video or tv show and go to bed early.

    I use coffee during the work day to operate but find (despite what the experts say about this) that I have sleep deprivation and have to find a way to make up the lack. In the weekends I sleep a lot lately, and I also have some days when i come home from work and just have a nap.

    Even an hour is better than nothing. You feel like death dragging yourself up again to cook tea but in half an hour, you're much better.

    Another thing is water. Not getting enough hydration will exhaust you. Are you replacing this pop with anything else? Liquid plays a huge part in energy I've noticed.

    Other than that I'd start looking at other lifestyle issues. Are you getting up at 5:30 to get to creche before work? Any way you can change your life so that you get up later? Or go to bed earlier? How demanding is your child? Can you teach the child to be less demanding? Do you have every other night in the week with no after school activities or is it all just go, go, go?
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I used to take Hydroxycut Max and lost 3 lbs a week for a month. I stopped and lost the same amount on my own, lol. It's just a gimmick!
  • MsTonyaRenee
    MsTonyaRenee Posts: 116 Member
    Be careful with what you take. I took phentermine for about 2 years and when I quit (because I lost my job and didnt have the $$$) I gained it all back plus some. Also I ended up having "heart irregularities". They turned out to be nothing major but I will never mess with that stuff again. Good Luck!
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    DO NOT TAKE DIET PILLS PLEASE. In my early 20s I took doctor prescribed Duramine and sure I lost a lot of weight but terrible side effects. I was an absolute zombie. The main ingredient was a derivative of speed so I was high all of the time. It temporarily affected my eyesight, everything was green. It really affected my social life. It was a long time ago but it has remained a horrible memory. Please lose weight naturally and don't do a quick fix which may cause you terrible problems.
  • penelopiad
    You're a CNA? Gotta ask, do you smoke? If this is the first time you are taking diet pills and you want to experiment then don't worry, chances are they won't give you any deadly side effects. You know diet pills suck.