I need people to weigh in with their thoughts, instead of po



  • atownsend84
    atownsend84 Posts: 14 Member
    I definitely agree with what others have said on here, focus more on your own sense of accomplishment and pride than wanting to hear it from others, and I think it's great that you have lost that much! Losing 22 lbs is no easy task!

    Also, maybe look at your weight loss journey not as this big hurdle that you need to overcome, but focus on how much better you feel becoming a healthier you, and that you understand how to live a healthier lifestyle than before.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    50 lbs is a lot. I think your relatives meant you are losing weight but they can still recognize your face.
    Some people lose weight, I don't even recognize their faces.
    I think since you are young so your face did not change much.
  • blessmy5
    blessmy5 Posts: 95
    Congrats on the 22 pounds. That's fantastic! You have lost the equivalent of a one-year-old toddler. That's ALOT. Try packing a one-year old around 24/7 and see how winded and tired you are. Focus on the health benefits and what people say or don't say won't matter. Remember, this is a lifestyle change for you and only you! :wink:
  • irsleepy2
    irsleepy2 Posts: 47
    First off, 'congratulations on losing the first 22 pounds, thats great!
    Sometimes it can take a while for it to be ''noticeable'. I know it took at least 30-40 lbs. for me & it will depend on how much you need to lose, how tall you are, bone structure, etc....but just don't give up, because you WILL start to see it eventually!!
    Also, its possible that some of these people were jealous, but either way, just keep doing what you're doing and don't let other people get you down :)
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I had the exact same situation. I lost about 30 pounds and people not only didn't notice but people I hadn't seen in a while remarked about how i looked EXACTLY the same as a year ago. Great. Thanks guys. When I finally started just TELLING some people they said "hmm, well you look exactly the same to me!"
    I am 5'7" and went from about 178 to 150ish. *I* thought it was a big deal, I had dropped a size, but maybe because i wore baggy clothes in the first place, nobody noticed at all. In another 10 pounds people we starting to notice. Now I get a lot of "wow... you are all... slim! is that on purpose?!" which is a little weird but at least people are NOTICING, dammit!
    Yeah, of course I did it for me and my health but it gets dull and it is a huge ego boost to have people notice. Reminds you that you can do it and it's worth it.
    Congrats to you. Keep it up. You will get to that point where people notice (and feel weird about saying anything) or just notice and SAY something and... it's cool. You can do it.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    As a friend of mine always says:"feed em beans", YOU know how much you've lost, and the heck with what anyone else says. Know that you're getting healthy, and act like it's your own little secret. Hang in there-you're doing great!!
  • NamsdnaL
    NamsdnaL Posts: 102 Member
    I'm like you I hold my breath just hoping that someone notices all my hard work but they never do :sad: . A few yrs back I lost a bunch of weight went from 290ish down to 225 and no one but my husband and the people I told noticed. It was so bad that a neighbor of my in-laws noticed that I lost a bunch of weight and said something to my mother in-law who stated "Oh I didn't notice! She looks the same to me!" :frown: To add insult to injury my mother in-law proudly told me she didn't notice that I had lost weight. You can pick the person you marry but you can't pick your in-laws. :noway:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You've lost 22 pounds in 2 months, that's amazing!
    Don't get bothered by what other people say or think - you aren't losing weight to improve their health and wellbeing, you are doing it for you. I think it is better to not even tell people what you are doing, that puts more expectations on you than you need.
  • GailBriggs
    How did you lose the 30lbs? personally THAT IS AWESOME!!! I PRAY THAT IT B ME SOON! STAY THE COURSE.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    22 pounds since January??? That's awesome! You should take a moment to congratulate yourself on what a huge accomplishment that is! You are doing this for yourself, right? It's tough when other people don't notice what is important to you but the bottom line is that you need to focus on what will motivate you to continue on your journey to meet your goals. Pleasing someone else won't get you there. Being proud of the success you have achieved and the little changes you have noticed WILL motivate you to continue on, because ultimately, this journey is about you. Don't let "little miss negative" come along and steal your thunder...you have made great strides!

    Here's what 20 pounds looks like:
    A 20 lb bag of pinto beans...

    A 20 lb fish...

    A 20 lb baby...

  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! I started mid-January as well, and have lost about the same amount as you. Until this week, nobody had noticed either. I started taking pics and measurements so I can see the changes--- it's really funny, because side by side,my pics look nearly identical--- but I am ever-so-slightly narrower in all the pics. No wonder nobody else can see my changes. Doesn't matter to me, I am in this for the long haul and want to be healthy down the road.

    AND I am so happy I started losing weight in January, as swimsuit season is coming up and I'm thrilled I'll be looking better in a suit!

    Keep your chin up and keep working it, it *will* be worth it, I promise!
  • nsdjogger
    nsdjogger Posts: 39
    22 lbs is fantastic! If you think back to the first day of your journey, I bet 1 lb seemed overwhelming to you. You're doing the right things and you'll keep progressing toward your goal. I'm rooting for you!!!!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm like you I hold my breath just hoping that someone notices all my hard work but they never do :sad: . A few yrs back I lost a bunch of weight went from 290ish down to 225 and no one but my husband and the people I told noticed. It was so bad that a neighbor of my in-laws noticed that I lost a bunch of weight and said something to my mother in-law who stated "Oh I didn't notice! She looks the same to me!" :frown: To add insult to injury my mother in-law proudly told me she didn't notice that I had lost weight. You can pick the person you marry but you can't pick your in-laws. :noway:

    That's AWFUL!! No wonder MIL's have a bad reputation.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    22 pounds lost is amazing! Your heart can tell, because it isn't working as hard to circulate your blood. Your legs and back can tell, because they have an easier time supporting you as you walk. Your liver can tell, as the build up of fatty tissue shrinks, and it can perform its job more efficiently.

    Keep up the good work, and don't sweat it that others don't notice yet. They will, and so will you!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I've lost 33 lbs over 3 years and really, hardly anyone has noticed. But my clothes are looser, and occasionally someone will notice. But, for me, what happens is, I tend to lose inches all over, sort of evenly, so the weight loss is less apparent.

    Still I've looked at photos of myself from a few years ago and yes, I definitely look better. Good luck! Hang in there!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm sorry your friend felt it necessary to comment in a negative way...even if they thought they were being honest, that can still be hurtful, and frankly, unnecessary...

    Some of my friends and family noticed after about 15-20 pounds. My hair stylist, who I only see every few months, asked me after TEN pounds how much weight I'd lost. A co-worker did not notice until I'd lost about 35 pounds...It's all so variable depending on the people in your life...and in the end what matters is: are you happy with your progress so far? Do you feel healthier? Are you more active then you were 22 pounds ago? Are you making different choices for your health and fitness? Don't wait for someone else to validate your success! Take pictures, take measurements, try on different sizes of clothes, try new activities and new foods--do it for you!
  • pomme100
    pomme100 Posts: 5
    Congratulations. You should be very proud of your accomplishment. I agree with the other comments as well. It is difficult not to think about how others view you. We like to receive compliments from those who see us but try to focus on how you are feeling. Sometimes people bring others down because they don't feel good about themselves. It is too easy to give up exercising and healthy eating but if you feel better about yourself and can see an improvement, whether it is in the way you look, how your clothes fit, how far you can walk without needing a break, etc., that is what you need to focus on. I used to go to the gym a few years ago and found that doing weight training (free weights, machines, exercise ball) made the biggest difference - a rowing machine does wonders! Investing in the help of a personal trainer, even if for a few classes so you can get to know how to use the weights properly, is worth considering, too. Also, once you start to gain muscle, the number on the scale may not go down as much but you'll definitely see the difference as you tone your muscles and the lean muscle replaces the fat (muscle weighs more than fat - but makes the body look so much better). I began exercising in January but this time I am focusing on making it a healthy lifestyle change. I've lost 10 lbs (some weeks I may lose a pound or two or stay the same but I try not to gain, and if I do then I have to look at what I ate or switch up my exercise routine). I know when I begin the weights again, I will focus on how I've toned as opposed to how much I weigh. I've also found if I lose weight the right way (not too much too fast), I'm more likely to keep it off. Good luck and keep your chin up!!:flowerforyou:
  • nsdjogger
    nsdjogger Posts: 39
    I think it is better to not even tell people what you are doing, that puts more expectations on you than you need.

    I do the same thing. :smile:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Don't worry so much! Just keep plugging along.

    Remember that it will take time to show.

    I was an 18W in late 2010, and now I'm about a size 12/14. I still don't see it as much as I would like, but others have just now begun to notice. My weight has come off very very slowly which makes the changes less noticeable than if they had come off quickly also. This is a good thing, not a bad one.

    My weight didn't come off my midsection until recently, and I think this is why I haven't noticed it as much.

    Chin up hon. You're doing so so well. Do not give up on yourself :smile: You deserve to be healthy and happy.
  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    Congratulations on the loss, and keep up the good work. It takes effort and determination; lots of us get that and appreciate what you are doing.
    As for the lack of comments, I think some are threatened, some turn into themselves and wish they were doing the same, some are afraid to broach the subject for fear of offending. Some are just too selfish to praise others. I lost @ 80 pounds last year. The people I work with every day said NOTHING. I was half disgusted, half amused. I chose to stay quiet and keep at it. Finally one said, "How much have you lost? I mean, I knew you lost weight but wow!" It opened the door and now we talk openly. Interestingly, the group I eat lunch with ALWAYS checks out everything I eat. It helps me make good choices every day!
    Trust me and others when we say stick it out! Praise yourself!