Weight loss w/o counting calories

Anyone tried losing weight w/o counting calories? I am asking b/c I have become so obsessed w/ numbers lately. certain things I won't eat b/c of numbers on the label, or the numbers on the scale or working out to burn a certain amount of calories I just feel like I'm going number crazy!! Thinking about taking a break from calorie counting and just doing it w.o and exercising w/o focusing on the hrm or numbers and just eating on a smaller plate w/ more veggies or something. any ideas to give my mind a break?


  • skinnyjeansdiva
    I think starting tomorrow I am going to pack up the hrm, take a break from the numbers and learn to focus on when I am feeling full to stop eating. Imight even invest in a timer and train myself to eat slower and just watch the numbers on the scale. wish me luck
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I did...then I gained about 200#. Everyone is different though...for me tracking keeps me focused. If it is discouraging you, then just watch what you eat, make good choices, and enjoy a break.
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    I think if you eat smaller portions, healthier food, and keep up with your water and exercise you could do it with out counting the calories, good luck!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Its funny that u should say this! I lost 95 lbs not counting calories, and then i discovered my fitness pal and im obsessed! Idk if i could go back to not counting! The excersise the hrm the diet...etc..im crazy about it! I dont blame u for the break! Best not to rely on this, altho i am now! Ugh....
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Sure, counting calories is a good tool to help you learn about healthy food choices and good portion sizes but if its not working well for you, then its time to try something different.
    I love MFP but I'm not planning to log my food and exercise forever, learning to eat and exercise in moderation without thinking about it too much is a great skill.
  • feb06momma
    feb06momma Posts: 169
    I don't honestly know that I could do it without counting calories. I keep an eye on my protein, fat, etc, too but calories are a big one. Good luck if you try it!
  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    I think it is very doable. I'm thinking about moving in that direction soonish. I get obsessive about numbers too and I don't need anything else to be obsessed with.
  • MrsTrull
    MrsTrull Posts: 1 Member
    I usually cut out all bread, noodles, tortillas, rice, etc and cut out all sweets including sugary drinks. I do get one delicious chocolate rice cake a day. (when you don't get bread or sweets, its delicious, trust me.) When I do that I drop 9 lbs w/in 2 weeks. Mind you I am fortunate to not have as much to lose so it is harder for me to lose. I've been doing calorie counting for 2 weeks and have only lost 2 lbs. I think my other method works better.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    Its funny that u should say this! I lost 95 lbs not counting calories, and then i discovered my fitness pal and im obsessed! Idk if i could go back to not counting! The excersise the hrm the diet...etc..im crazy about it! I dont blame u for the break! Best not to rely on this, altho i am now! Ugh....

    wow! that is amazing you lost so much weight not calorie counting. I love this site and what it offeres, I am just so sick of worrying about numbers. I am already obsessed that I need to lose weight, it's hard taking time out of my day logging foods and exercises and stressing about how accurate the numbers are when that time I could be using the time with my son. I love this site, hey I might come back but I really want to try not calorie counting for a while.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    I think it is very doable. I'm thinking about moving in that direction soonish. I get obsessive about numbers too and I don't need anything else to be obsessed with.

    have you lost all of your weight calorie counting? kudos to you!
  • strukanb
    strukanb Posts: 1
    I think it's important to pay attention to calories, labels, keep a log, etc for a while to learn what a portion looks like and what a healthy meal should be. After you've got that down the log becomes a good tool to stay on track but it's less essential.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    I don't honestly know that I could do it without counting calories. I keep an eye on my protein, fat, etc, too but calories are a big one. Good luck if you try it!

    crap I forgot about the sodium, sugar, etc
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    I think it's important to pay attention to calories, labels, keep a log, etc for a while to learn what a portion looks like and what a healthy meal should be. After you've got that down the log becomes a good tool to stay on track but it's less essential.

    that is actually very true
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    hey also, please don't fret too much about the scale. measure your waist every week! there are some weeks I don't lose a cent, but I still lose an inch off my waist. muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight will go up and that can be very demoralizing. I think that as long as you really know what's good for you, it's okay to not count calories. things like granola bars and certain oatmeals can be very deceiving, but they're really high in sugar and sometimes fat, but the media makes them out to make fantastic so we think if we eat granola all day we will be thin and it doesn't work that way...
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    Sure, counting calories is a good tool to help you learn about healthy food choices and good portion sizes but if its not working well for you, then its time to try something different.
    I love MFP but I'm not planning to log my food and exercise forever, learning to eat and exercise in moderation without thinking about it too much is a great skill.

    right now I have the time to log on and use the site, but when I graduate and go back to work and when my son starts school I won't have all of this time so I really need to learn to do it on my own. I also don't want to be 85 and retired having to rely on a site to help me maintain weight. i see so many people in great shape who don't calculate what they eat. i want to be like that! (nothing wrong with anyone of any age using the site it was a personal example for me)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    About a year ago I focused on eating healthy and exercising. Didn't care about calories, just made sure I was being sensible with my choices and controlling portions. I ended up losing about 15 pounds doing that and got to my goal weight. Now I'm ten pounds heavier and I'm trying to get back there again.

    I must admit I am NOT strict about counting my calories. I take bites of things and don't log it. I don't even log most of my weekends. I have still lost 15 pounds and I'm only about 10 pounds from my goal weight.

    Try hard not to obsess about it all. I had an eating disorder back in high school and I found myself counting the calories in gum or one individual grape. It wasn't until I got down to 105 pounds and was forced to wear children's clothing that I realized how unhealthy my habits are.

    If you need any support feel free to add me :)
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    hey also, please don't fret too much about the scale. measure your waist every week! there are some weeks I don't lose a cent, but I still lose an inch off my waist. muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight will go up and that can be very demoralizing. I think that as long as you really know what's good for you, it's okay to not count calories. things like granola bars and certain oatmeals can be very deceiving, but they're really high in sugar and sometimes fat, but the media makes them out to make fantastic so we think if we eat granola all day we will be thin and it doesn't work that way...

    I did not even think of that! I will start keeping track of inches. thank you!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Sure, counting calories is a good tool to help you learn about healthy food choices and good portion sizes but if its not working well for you, then its time to try something different.
    I love MFP but I'm not planning to log my food and exercise forever, learning to eat and exercise in moderation without thinking about it too much is a great skill.

    right now I have the time to log on and use the site, but when I graduate and go back to work and when my son starts school I won't have all of this time so I really need to learn to do it on my own. I also don't want to be 85 and retired having to rely on a site to help me maintain weight. i see so many people in great shape who don't calculate what they eat. i want to be like that! (nothing wrong with anyone of any age using the site it was a personal example for me)

    I AGREE. I panic thinking about having to log my calories everyday for the rest of my life. My hope is that I will learn a healthy way to eat and learn a schedule and once I hit my goal weight it will be easy to maintain as long as I keep a healthy diet and watch my portions. A normal female needs close to (or more) than 2000 calories a day to maintain their weight. If you are eating healthy and exercising it is very difficult to go over that mark.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    About a year ago I focused on eating healthy and exercising. Didn't care about calories, just made sure I was being sensible with my choices and controlling portions. I ended up losing about 15 pounds doing that and got to my goal weight. Now I'm ten pounds heavier and I'm trying to get back there again.

    I must admit I am NOT strict about counting my calories. I take bites of things and don't log it. I don't even log most of my weekends. I have still lost 15 pounds and I'm only about 10 pounds from my goal weight.

    Try hard not to obsess about it all. I had an eating disorder back in high school and I found myself counting the calories in gum or one individual grape. It wasn't until I got down to 105 pounds and was forced to wear children's clothing that I realized how unhealthy my habits are.

    If you need any support feel free to add me :)

    I'm glad you are on the right track. You made some very good points. I find myself obsessing over tracking flavored sugar free drinks and gum also and I think that is why I need a short mental break.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    very welcome... also, I don't bother weighing/measuring when it's that time of the month cause I know it'll just make me cry and make me want to gorge myself on something awful. lol.