Eating at an Italian wedding ... suggestions?



  • foramanwhohashope
    foramanwhohashope Posts: 90 Member
    Just enjoy it. :) Don't worry about counting your calories for a day. Just logg it. Who cares if you go over one day?
    You have to spoil yourself every once in a while.
  • maybethistime70
    portion control, just because they serve it doesn't mean you have to eat it. :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    If I fast until diner I get too hungry then go way overboard.

    Eat the healthiest food you can during the day. So you get in some nutrition with out too many calories

    At the wedding
    Eat what you want, but first ask yourself the question...
    "Do I really WANT this or am I just eating because it's here?"
    Don't deprive yourself, but even if it is something you usually love don't wast calories on things you aren't in the mood for right now.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Can I come? :tongue: Sounds like heaps of fun! I would echo what's already been said - enjoy yourself without going overboard (because that overstuffed feeling sucks, and is not conducive to dancing the night away!), drink plenty of water and have fun! If you can, get a good workout in earlier in the day.
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    Eat and enjoy!

    Seriously though, the other day I was very worried about my mom's surprise b-day party at an authentic italian restaurant where I'm from. I ate pretty light that day, to leave room for excess calories, ate delicious food, had a piece of her cake, and had a great time! I drank water instead of soda; I chose vinagarette dressing over ranch; and I didn't eat 10000 pieces of bread.. BUT I did indulge, ate more than I usually do calorie wise, and guess what? I lost 1.8 lbs within 24 hours of that meal. Sometimes you just gotta live :) You can still make decent decisions, while indulging. So, a high calorie day might mean eating maintenance calories that day, instead of 4,000 calories that day!

    Good luck, and have a great time! Sometimes my body loves me by dropping some weight when I have a day like that anyways!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    All I can say is GoodLuck. We went to my husband's cousins a few years ago and we could NOT get over the food. It just kept coming and coming. The few suggestions I read- cheat day and eat then dance, dance and dance some more seem like good suggestions. You will only be able to put in approximations for the food since you really have no idea what is in everything but do as much as you can. Eating as much fruits and veggies that you can get your hands on to help your numbers. Other than that get your groove on, don't overstress about it- it is only one day after all and have fun !!!
  • nutandbutter
    I have an Italian wedding tomorrow, complete with a 9 course meal, plus wedding cake, plus dessert table, plus open bar. The plates are brought to the table, so I don't really have the opportunity to select my own meal.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on managing this many meals, or do I throw caution to the wind for one night and just indulge? Should I eat normally during the day, or limit my damage by fasting until dinner?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    Am I the only one that thought the open bar was the best part? :drinker:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It sounds AMAZING!! I would just cut way back on calories the rest of the week and that day, then go all out for the wedding!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Get up early and have a good workout. Then enjoy the wedding.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I would just not eat anything that day, except at the wedding of course. That way you have room for everything.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    LOL, at all the people telling you to not eat all day. Seriously? If I did not eat all day I would show up ready to kill someone.

    Come on folks, life is good, we can choose good, we can have a treat every once and a while. We can indulge, we can eat it because it is delicious and in front of us on special occasions. This does not have to be hard.

    Honey, as long as you do not sneak a bottle of Chardonnay and half the wedding cake and a fork into a bathroom stall to hide and eat, you will be fine!

    You also may find that if you have a good old calorie spike, you may be surprised to see that you lose a little more weight faster than normal.

    Obsessing over food, what to eat and what not to eat is sad and gets in the way of enjoying life. Just ask yourself, are those few ounces (if that) that you will lose or gain worth not having a GREAT time over?

    Special occasions are not special if we do not treat them as such.