Dog Breedism

PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
My town just recently banned Rottweilers, dobermans, and pittbulls. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. There are Labradors, Akitas, and huskies running around who are just as dangerous, but because people think rotties, dobies, and pitties are 'naturally evil,' it's okay to just ban people from owning them and shoot them on sight.

GAH!!!!!!! IT'S SO STUPID!!!!!!

Thank you for listening.


  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    There are no evil dogs...just stupid people.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    There are no evil dogs...just stupid people.

  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    People need to realize that any dog has the potential to be vicious and dangerous. Not for nothing, but I met quite a few nasty small breed dogs working at a kennel a few years back. These bans and fear campaigns are preventing people from having some truly wonderful companionship. :(
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    There are no evil dogs...just stupid people.

    I totally agree!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    What? "Shoot them on sight"? Really? Did your town just make that law?

  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I've only ever been bitten by one dog and it was a chihuahua. I have worked in rescue for most of my life...never had a problem with "dangerous" breeds. Bans are won't stop the dog fighting or breeding. The only thing it will do is kill more innocent animals because of how they were raised. A proper dog owner ensures good health, socialization, and the well being of their pet. As I own three rescues...these dogs are greatful and loving. I will never live somewhere where I am told I cannot have a certain breed of dog!
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    My town just recently banned Rottweilers, dobermans, and pittbulls. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. There are Labradors, Akitas, and huskies running around who are just as dangerous, but because people think rotties, dobies, and pitties are 'naturally evil,' it's okay to just ban people from owning them and shoot them on sight.

    GAH!!!!!!! IT'S SO STUPID!!!!!!

    Thank you for listening.

    I didn't know an individual town could ban a breed, is that just a Canadian thing?

    So are existing dogs grandfathered in? or are people required to get rid of existing dogs?
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    That is so ridiculous!! I agree, it is not the dog but the owners who turn dogs bad!!

    I would love to get a pitbull some day!
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    People need to realize that any dog has the potential to be vicious and dangerous. Not for nothing, but I met quite a few nasty small breed dogs working at a kennel a few years back. These bans and fear campaigns are preventing people from having some truly wonderful companionship. :(
    Mostly agree, but good luck meeting a Cavalier who would know how to hurt a fly!
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    There are 3 doberman next door. They constantly bark (irritates the crap out of me!) and are mean. I don't blame the dogs or their breed just their stupid owners. It's very rarely the dog's fault. Now having said that - my husband found a German sheppard mix puppy in a box in the snow yrs ago and brought him home. We also had a cat and our lab/dalmation mix. Anywho, as Hercules grew he became extremely aggressive towards me. We tried training 2x and we finally had to rehome him after he bit me pretty badly. It was extremely stressful.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I would have to move cause I have rotties. The worse thing they do is pass gas and beg for food at the table.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Are you in New Mexico? Haha. I agree with you though. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. My boss has a Rotty,German Shepherd, and a golden doodle. Two little girls, and those dogs are the sweetest things on the face of the planet. His brother has two pit bulls. Greatest dogs ever!

    I asked my mom if I could adopt a pit bull a couple of years ago, and she has that same stupid fear of them. It's a damn shame. They bred to be family dogs. Not fighters or whatever they're used for.
  • radosti1
    radosti1 Posts: 198 Member
    I just saw an urgent dog album with a bunch of well-cared for pit mixes. Many state the new dog breed ban as the reason for surrender. One owner even wrote, "she's a good dog and I love her!" brought tears to my eyes. The dogs in that album are slated to be PTS tomorrow.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm pretty good at "reading" dogs. Grew up around dogs. Worked at a shelter and an animal hospital. Lots of dog experience.

    Several times while out running, I've met loose dogs. For instance... Once a young (about 6 month old?) brindle pit wiggled under a fence. Another time, a red-nose pit jumped it's fence. And another time, a rottie mix that had to outweigh me by a good 30 pounds was standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Every time, I slowed to a walk, maybe stopped and let them sniff, told them they were good doggies, and was on my way. I did pick up the young'un and hand him back over the fence to the owner, wait until the jumper jumped back in his yard, and saw that the rottie's owner was outside. I didn't panic and I didn't run from them, and wasn't afraid of them.

    On the other hand, once I was running and saw someone ahead with an apricot toy poodle on a retractable leash, the owner obviously not in control of the dog at all. I crossed the street to avoid running by the little ankle-biter.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    My town just recently banned Rottweilers, dobermans, and pittbulls. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. There are Labradors, Akitas, and huskies running around who are just as dangerous, but because people think rotties, dobies, and pitties are 'naturally evil,' it's okay to just ban people from owning them and shoot them on sight.

    GAH!!!!!!! IT'S SO STUPID!!!!!!

    Thank you for listening.

    I didn't know an individual town could ban a breed, is that just a Canadian thing?

    So are existing dogs grandfathered in? or are people required to get rid of existing dogs?

    It's a town animal bylaw. Canadian law protects animals to the point of abuse and neglect, but as for specific care of dogs within a community, it's the town council who decide what they want. Most towns have on-leash laws and dog doody laws, but those are local bylaws that are imposed and enforced by bylaw officers. In most major centres, they have 'restricted breed' bylaws, which simply means that if you own a pitty, you have to register it with the city and the bylaw officers pop by randomly to make sure it's not being used as a fighting animal.

    The existing dogs must be neutered and kept on-leash so that they don't breed, but they're allowed to stay alive. If they are found wandering around the town, the town dog catcher will pick it up and either take it to the humane society in the larger town center 45 minutes away, or take it out to the woods if he deems it too dangerous.

    I know a lot about it since I live here, but I sure as hell don't agree with it. I'm working with the provincial humane society to try and help the town, but there's only so much I can do. No one here knows anything about dogs.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I just saw an urgent dog album with a bunch of well-cared for pit mixes. Many state the new dog breed ban as the reason for surrender. One owner even wrote, "she's a good dog and I love her!" brought tears to my eyes. The dogs in that album are slated to be PTS tomorrow.

    That's just wrong. They shouldn't be PTS, they should be shipped to a different state where the breed isn't banned and put into a no-kill shelter. Someone will take them! Ugh. That makes me so sad.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    German shepherds are commonly on the aggressive dog lists as well. And I have know chihuahua's and minpins that were more aggressive than any German shepherd.
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    There are no evil dogs...just stupid people.

    this says enough.
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    I hate that BS. In NY Pit bulls automatically have the same legal status as any other dog with a bite history. Although I don't know of any place that can ban a dog except for maybe a condo or co-op community.

    I've seen labs, goldens, corgis, etc that scared the crap out of me! Most Akita owners I've seen don't really understand what they've gotten into. There are certain ones I know that when they arrive at the dog park it's time to leave. Stuff will go down. But when certain pitt bulls and boxers show up it's party time and everyone gets along & has fun.

    Huskies aren't inherently dangerous. I have a husky that is absurdly gentle, obedient, and non-aggressive. She's very dominant, though, and loves to hump Rottweilers esp. boys who tend to be super sweet. I've had her almost 11 years and trust her completely, even around children and infants. My late doberman, while very intimidating to most, was also extremely sweet, ridiculously smart and was ALWAYS nice to people.

    It's ALWAYS the owners fault when a dog is poorly socialized, neurotic, and difficult to control. Those people shouldn't have dogs of ANY breed.
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    There are no evil dogs...just stupid people.
