Any other disabled people trying to get fit



  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    Humidity and extreme heat cause me to flare up badly. I have fibro as well, as well as migraines, and medication induced high blood pressure. We aren't talking taking it easy due to injury either. I have spinal damage as well as both my wrists being damaged to the point of being totally destroyed. I also have bone spurs done my entire spine, and quite possibly in my feet.

    The reason I am here is to be as fit as possible within my means. It is why I started this particular journey. I have been on steroids, and they cause weight gain. As well as the biological drugs I have taken. When put on Enbrel I gained 10 Kilos in a month, and I didn't increase my food consumption. I was also more active. It is going to be a long and hard journey but one I am finally ready to undertake. Thank you all for commenting.

    rahmyers, have you heard about the IAAM movement. We are doing a well they are doing an International Autoimmune Arthritis Awareness day in May. I also run a Support Group on Facebook.

    No I have never heard of that. clue me in please?

    Here is the address for the Facebook Page.

    I have a WAAD poster up in the albums there. They also have a web page

    Everyone that works there are volunteers. They are a wonderful bunch of women who all suffer from one of the AutoImmune Arthritis Diseases. They have a media awareness team as well as so many other things. I am truly very impressed with all they have done and are planning to do.

    RA Chicks Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis are also a great bunch of women. Niki Wyre is a friend of mine and she is just lovely. Again that one is on Facebook as well as having a web page.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    There are exercising used for seniors with health issues, lots of them from a chair that might be helpful at least to start with or for those bad days. Hope this helps
  • Demi_86
    Demi_86 Posts: 3 Member
    thanks :)
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member

    Thank you for the link. :smile:
  • rahmyers
    rahmyers Posts: 75 Member
    I have Joint Hypermobility Disorder but a lot of people call it being double-jointed. I was diagnosed with it in 2010 after having surgery for my carpal tunnel in my dominant hand but I've had it all of my life. Basically my joints pop, subluxate (half-dislocate), and dislocate from the socket completely. When they dislocate it can last anywhere from seconds to months and the longer it's out the more the muscles surrounding that joint get hurt. By simply moving I pop my joints and shift them in their places (washing and putting on my bra tends to pop out more things than most other activities) which you can't tell until, out of nowhere, I begin to favor one ankle or limp considerably and one minute later be walking normally. I got a job as a barista when I was 20 and on my second day I was scheduled 8 hours, supposedly receiving a break after 4 hours. The woman training me had me do everything from dishes to cleaning the cafe furniture to even cleaning the bathrooms when I wasn't standing at the register. I never received my break, was not allowed to sit, and was even kept 15 minutes overtime because she wanted me to sort packages of coffee in the back. Somewhere on the job I dislocated my left knee and by the weekend I was in crutches because I could not use my left leg at all. An orthopedic specialist had me on 2 months of physical therapy (which just injured other joints) and told me because of my Hypermobility there was nothing to be done for the injured muscles meant to hold the knee cap in place except maybe surgery, but I didn't go through with it. I used a cane for 3 months, stayed on bedrest, and eventually gained the ability to walk without a limp but I can't walk as far or fast anymore.

    I feared gyms because it's very easy to not know where my limit is, but hours after I will hurt and it then further limits me because the muscles remember the pain of the joints swelling or popping or even coming out for a second. In fact I can barely walk today because yesterday I had a fitness evaluation at the Y I joined and the trainer accidentally overworked my knees and the same knee dislocated for a few hours.

    A lot of people don't know what JHD is and think I'm making things up, even doctors, or making excuses not to push myself that much further. I want this to help take some pressure off my joints, but at this age it won't go away, I'll always have it. I also have several mental disorders that cause me to be emotionally unstable. I gained one week because I fell into a depression and slept five days straight, barely eating. But, I'm determined. I can't let it all rule me.

    Ugg I just cringed from your pain just reading it! Maybe exercize will make stronger muscles and hold you together better in a few places? low weight with higher reps, ask your Dr first! I understand only slightly what you go through. My autoimmune disease called Mixed connective tissue Disease which is a mixture of Lupus, Scleroderma, myositis, and RA attacks my connective tissue. Which includes the connective tissue that holds joints and muscles in their right places. If I do any exercizes like situps, crunches, etc.. my back and neck goes out of alighnment. Trust me I don't put my hands on my head and it still happens. I use an ab belt instead, and also do core strengthening exercize moves on the wii fit, mostly standing up. I've had my hips and knees, elbows, wrists go out of joint just doing normal things. It hurt like the ****ens! I still never have had that happen any where to the extent you have. Ouch! way more severe. I hope some exercize or anything helps you!
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Depends what you mean by disabled. Disabled, no. On disability? Yes. Mental Illness.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Well....I have fibromyalgia, degenerative disk disease, 2 fracured vertebrae that won't seem to heal (courtesy of the ex-husband who threw me in a wall), arthritis in my hips and back and knees and ankles. I also have PTSD, but have managed to get that under control through counseling (yeah, it's from abuse). I am also insulent resistant hypoglycemic, and have PCOS. I find ways to work past my disability and never let it get me down. I got to where I was by using excuses, and I am not going to use them any more. Excuses = too lazy to make a change
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I have Joint Hypermobility Disorder but a lot of people call it being double-jointed. I was diagnosed with it in 2010 after having surgery for my carpal tunnel in my dominant hand but I've had it all of my life. Basically my joints pop, subluxate (half-dislocate), and dislocate from the socket completely. When they dislocate it can last anywhere from seconds to months and the longer it's out the more the muscles surrounding that joint get hurt. By simply moving I pop my joints and shift them in their places (washing and putting on my bra tends to pop out more things than most other activities) which you can't tell until, out of nowhere, I begin to favor one ankle or limp considerably and one minute later be walking normally. I got a job as a barista when I was 20 and on my second day I was scheduled 8 hours, supposedly receiving a break after 4 hours. The woman training me had me do everything from dishes to cleaning the cafe furniture to even cleaning the bathrooms when I wasn't standing at the register. I never received my break, was not allowed to sit, and was even kept 15 minutes overtime because she wanted me to sort packages of coffee in the back. Somewhere on the job I dislocated my left knee and by the weekend I was in crutches because I could not use my left leg at all. An orthopedic specialist had me on 2 months of physical therapy (which just injured other joints) and told me because of my Hypermobility there was nothing to be done for the injured muscles meant to hold the knee cap in place except maybe surgery, but I didn't go through with it. I used a cane for 3 months, stayed on bedrest, and eventually gained the ability to walk without a limp but I can't walk as far or fast anymore.

    I feared gyms because it's very easy to not know where my limit is, but hours after I will hurt and it then further limits me because the muscles remember the pain of the joints swelling or popping or even coming out for a second. In fact I can barely walk today because yesterday I had a fitness evaluation at the Y I joined and the trainer accidentally overworked my knees and the same knee dislocated for a few hours.

    A lot of people don't know what JHD is and think I'm making things up, even doctors, or making excuses not to push myself that much further. I want this to help take some pressure off my joints, but at this age it won't go away, I'll always have it. I also have several mental disorders that cause me to be emotionally unstable. I gained one week because I fell into a depression and slept five days straight, barely eating. But, I'm determined. I can't let it all rule me.

    Ugg I just cringed from your pain just reading it! Maybe exercize will make stronger muscles and hold you together better in a few places? low weight with higher reps, ask your Dr first! I understand only slightly what you go through. My autoimmune disease called Mixed connective tissue Disease which is a mixture of Lupus, Scleroderma, myositis, and RA attacks my connective tissue. Which includes the connective tissue that holds joints and muscles in their right places. If I do any exercizes like situps, crunches, etc.. my back and neck goes out of alighnment. Trust me I don't put my hands on my head and it still happens. I use an ab belt instead, and also do core strengthening exercize moves on the wii fit, mostly standing up. I've had my hips and knees, elbows, wrists go out of joint just doing normal things. It hurt like the ****ens! I still never have had that happen any where to the extent you have. Ouch! way more severe. I hope some exercize or anything helps you!

    The sad part is, there's no specialist for it here (the orthopedic hand doctor who has done my carpal tunnel and other related surgeries just happened to discover it and know what it was when he examined me post-surgery and my wrist dislocated and he could just pop it right back in) and next to no doctor knows about it or thinks it's real. I was part of a group that was on Facebook pertaining to it, but everyone within the group was much older and lived in the UK where apparently there are doctors for it. What was recommended was all over the map between yoga, water aerobics, all types of over the counter vitamins or pills, and acupuncture. No one person had something that relieved it temporarily or even over time and considering I'm on Disability and lucky to get $1000 a month I can't afford to dip my fingers into every pool, so to speak, and still pay for the medications I take and the doctors I see and other necessities.

    I am hoping that by strengthening my muscles a little and losing all this weight will help alleviate some of it, but like I said it's hard when there's no telling where your limit is, no one else can tell you what it is, and you go to get up from a chair a few hours after being at the gym and you feel extreme pain (for instance I tried an elliptical machine for 3 minutes one day and didn't know I'd popped my left leg from my hip socket until the next day when moving it around in the socket pulled the muscles around it) and you have to end up avoiding something that's otherwise good for you.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Depends what you mean by disabled. Disabled, no. On disability? Yes. Mental Illness.

    That's why I'm on disability. I'm Bipolar, have PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, mild to severe OCD, and several phobias including men. But the Government has me labeled as "Mentally Handicapped" because the state-appointed psychologist they had me see before my hearing was a man and I was trapped in a room with him alone for roughly 5 hours getting grilled.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have scoliosis, I would not call it a disability but can be hard to live with.

    Also... I have recurring glandular fever which is all illness not a disability but it comes back at least once a year which is VERY hard as i have to get so much sleep and for the most part can't do anything at all during the worst of it.

    I also did have severe PTSD, anxiety and depression but exercise has pretty much taken it all away (:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Right there with you OP..... 33 months ago I could barely walk from one room to the other.... At 560 lbs. I had destroyed my knee's... I have Grade 3 Osteoarthritis in both knee's, Torn meniscus in both knee's, and a torn ACL in my left knee (none of which can be repaired because the damage is to far along).... I had spent the first 18 months in the pool till I had lost around 175 lbs. and was able to be fitted with braces and began knee injections and pain pills... I now split time between the pool and elliptical and weightlifting... I will be getting total knee replacements (around the first of the year) after my weight loss journey and skin surgeries are finished.. It is a struggle most days but I refuse to let my limitations define my existence.... I did that for the better half of a decade and it dang near killed me... So pain or no pain I choose Life and will keep pushing to obtain all my goals I have set in front of me..... Good Luck to you.......................
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Right there with you OP..... 33 months ago I could barely walk from one room to the other.... At 560 lbs. I had destroyed my knee's... I have Grade 3 Osteoarthritis in both knee's, Torn meniscus in both knee's, and a torn ACL in my left knee (none of which can be repaired because the damage is to far along).... I had spent the first 18 months in the pool till I had lost around 175 lbs. and was able to be fitted with braces and began knee injections and pain pills... I now split time between the pool and elliptical and weightlifting... I will be getting total knee replacements (around the first of the year) after my weight loss journey and skin surgeries are finished.. It is a struggle most days but I refuse to let my limitations define my existence.... I did that for the better half of a decade and it dang near killed me... So pain or no pain I choose Life and will keep pushing to obtain all my goals I have set in front of me..... Good Luck to you.......................

    Wow 303? Incredible! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I have fybromyalgia and severe anxiety and depression which are much better when I can exercise. I've just had a liver resection which is part of my liver removed because of tumours on my liver as well as gall bladder removed. I've been in and out of hospital and in agony for 2 years. I'm now suffering terribly from virtigo and recovering from the operation hard times. Determined to get back into exercise when I can actually stand again, can't because of the virtigo. Also got ptsd. X
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Right there with you OP..... 33 months ago I could barely walk from one room to the other.... At 560 lbs. I had destroyed my knee's... I have Grade 3 Osteoarthritis in both knee's, Torn meniscus in both knee's, and a torn ACL in my left knee (none of which can be repaired because the damage is to far along).... I had spent the first 18 months in the pool till I had lost around 175 lbs. and was able to be fitted with braces and began knee injections and pain pills... I now split time between the pool and elliptical and weightlifting... I will be getting total knee replacements (around the first of the year) after my weight loss journey and skin surgeries are finished.. It is a struggle most days but I refuse to let my limitations define my existence.... I did that for the better half of a decade and it dang near killed me... So pain or no pain I choose Life and will keep pushing to obtain all my goals I have set in front of me..... Good Luck to you.......................

    Wow 303? Incredible! X

    Thanks lol........... I am in maintenance mode (the last couple weeks) I just had to have my Otho Dr. scrap out my left knee, the arthritis was so bad and there was so much loose crap floating around in there I needed a clean out... Was hoping to avoid anymore til the knee replacements but just could not make it til then... So hopefully another couple weeks and I will be back on schedule to finish this weightloss (about 15-20 lbs. to go) then get my 360 body lift done.... Thanks again......
  • Renee_Leslie
    Thank you very much, I'll look into that.:smile:
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    It's nice to know I'm not the only one on here. I do understand not knowing your limits. Mine change daily, it makes it very hard. My back started flaring half way through my walk today. Just had to push through though. It was the only way to get me and the kids home.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    It's nice to know I'm not the only one on here. I do understand not knowing your limits. Mine change daily, it makes it very hard. My back started flaring half way through my walk today. Just had to push through though. It was the only way to get me and the kids home.

    I know how that is. I have fibromyalgia and subluxing patellas (my kneecaps dislocate). Some days, like today, I'm in a lot of pain. I'm trying to motivate myself to do some light yoga because I know it'll help me feel better, but it's so hard to get up and do it since I've been on my feet all day (I substitute teach, and today was in a special ed class with 5 severely autistic kids). My knees, back, feet, arms, legs, everything hurt. I know I'm not alone, but some days you just feel like you are. I kept having to sit, and the other teachers in the room would give me a look. I'm sure you all know the one I'm talking about... Makes it tough, and that feeling you get from that look just increases the pain, at least in my case.

    Hugs all around!
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    AQUA--that is the key for many people. Water workouts--you don't have to swim, but you can. I don't, but aqua aerobics are AWESOME, AMAZING, etc Great cal burn but in chest deep water, you are only 25% of your body weight, 50% in waist deep water. PLS try it--it is wonderfully helpful!!! Good luck!
  • AprilShore
    AprilShore Posts: 35 Member
    I am also double jointed (hands, hips, shoulders, elbows, knees, etc). Working out has become a point of contention between my husband and myself. I find it nearly impossible to do push ups due to the fact that my elbows turn and pop out of place. If I do not move around a lot at night, my shoulders pop out of place and hurt for several days. I have just decided to do what I can. I have lost 8.2 lbs mainly watching my diet and doing the calorie deficit. I do use the treadmill, swim and use some of the weight machines at the gym when I can. It stinks that I cannot reach my full potential with the exercise, but I am only 31 and do not want to do permanent damage to my joints. I LOVE Zumba, but have difficulty with my knees, so I only do half classes. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • aunttata2000
    I have osteo-arthritis in both knees. I do work out but a lot of times it is sitting in a chair....At my weight any extra moving is good and a doctor told me that as I lose the weight I will be able to do more standing then sitting