Mama told me fruit was healthy! (Sugar)


I often end up with red numbers for my sugar intake. However, I get like 75% of it from fruits such as kidney mangos, kiwis and apples (not even bananas) so it can't be that bad, can it?
Is there a difference?
I need the fruit in between, otherwise I would start snacking unhealthy stuff :P


  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Fruit sugars are good for you in moderation, as well as everything else.

    Yes...there may be more sugar in a single apple compared to some candy, but your body needs the nutrients of that apple, whereas that candy is processed junk.

    Usually a lot of people say ignore the sugars from fruits... I wouldn't say ignore, but don't get so hung up on the sugar intake being high when your getting it from natural fruits and not processed stuff.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    Fruit sugars are good for you in moderation, as well as everything else.

    Yes...there may be more sugar in a single apple compared to some candy, but your body needs the nutrients of that apple, whereas that candy is processed junk.

    Usually a lot of people say ignore the sugars from fruits... I wouldn't say ignore, but don't get so hung up on the sugar intake being high when your getting it from natural fruits and not processed stuff.

    Also, if you're worried about the sugar, you can eat your fruit mixed in with cereal or yogurt, that way the sugar will be released slower - that's what I was told by my midwives when I had an insane fruit craving on my 2nd pregnancy. I literally ate my weight in fruit!!! Fruit sugar is definitely preferable to processed sugars so don't worry too much.
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    I say eat as much fruit as you like!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    tracking sugar on MFP is a waste of energy.
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    I don't look at sugars on MFP, most of my sugar intake is from fruit, not processed or added sugars, my body needs that fruit so why start worrying about the sugar it contains.

    If you are within your calories even when eating lots of fruits and so having a high sugar intake on MFP you will still lose weight.
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    You can't compare sugar from fruit with sugar in sweets! The fruits are full of vitamins, very healthy for you body and it takes care of the sweet-tooth as well. If 75% of your sugar comes from fruit, I'd say it's great.

    You could do a little research of what fruits are higher in sugar/carbs. For ex, oranges and apples are surprisingly high in carbs. Lower-carb fruits: melons, all berries, peaches & nectarines. On the high-end, you have, of course, bananas, grapes, exotic fruits (mangoes, pineapple, etc). But they're still a much better option than cake.

    Plus, if you have them before going to the gym, they give you just the perfect boost!
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think tracking your sugar is very important. It's recommended that we eat 2-3 fruits a day so from that you should get anywhere from 25-35 g of sugar. Don't forget, milk and yogurt also has sugar which is good.
    The biggest thing to watch out for are your sugars from processed foods.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    It is good to keep an eye on sugars, all things in moderation - including fruit! Having said that, as long as you're under calories, the sugar from fruit won't matter too much as long as you take care of your teeth properly. You get so many benefits from fruit!

    If you really wanna watch your sugar though, there are other healthy snacks, such a nuts, greek yogurt etc which are lower in sugar and higher in protein and healthy fats!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I have never stayed under on sugar, even when I cut out all the bad sugars and kept my fruit intake to one serving a day. Disregard going over on sugar as long as you are eating fruit. I was diabetic before I started watching what I ate. No diabetes even with eating excess of good sugar. I limit myself to three servings a day. A serving is usually 40-60 calories and 15 carbs.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Ahh thank you for posting this OP! I have been WAY over the sugar levels recently, but I don't add refined sugar to anything, it's mostly coming from fruit! (although i do confess to the 'missing' phildelphia chocolate also contributing!)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    You should try to limit all sugar intake. When you know what sugar does and how your body reacts to it you'll realize why.
    Eating as much fruit as you would like is not a correct response either. Sorry. There are lots of post of these boards about sugars. Do a search. Fat doesn't make you fat...sugar and carbs do.
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    You should try to limit all sugar intake. When you know what sugar does and how your body reacts to it you'll realize why.
    Eating as much fruit as you would like is not a correct response either. Sorry. There are lots of post of these boards about sugars. Do a search. Fat doesn't make you fat...sugar and carbs do.

    Dont tell me fruit is bad, anything natural is good! I eat 5 pieces of fruit a day and 8 pieces of veg, Oh look it made me fat :laugh:

    Eat as much as you want, better than chocolate.
  • anmei120
    anmei120 Posts: 19
    Thanks guys - much appreciated!

    Fruit - here I come :)
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    You should try to limit all sugar intake. When you know what sugar does and how your body reacts to it you'll realize why.
    Eating as much fruit as you would like is not a correct response either. Sorry. There are lots of post of these boards about sugars. Do a search. Fat doesn't make you fat...sugar and carbs do.

    this is for you Laddyboy, so you can improve you knowledge on sugar in fruit and the need for good carbs in any healthy weight loss diet

    Fruits and vegetables are often left out of most diets. Even people that are health conscience and serious training enthusiasts tend to leave fruits and veggies out of their diets. Most people avoid fruits and vegetables because they either don’t like the taste or think that they don’t serve a purpose. This is simply not true. Both fruits and veggies are loaded with fiber and healthy phytochemicals.

    Fiber will promote regularity and help keep a healthy digestive system. This may not seem like it is important to fat loss and muscle growth, but keep in mind that eating the proper amounts of protein, carbs, and fat won’t matter if they are not being digested and assimilated properly.

    Phytochemicals are biologically active compounds that are found in fruits and vegetables. They give fruits and veggies their disease fighting power. In fact, many phytochemicals are currently in clinical testing as a cure for many different diseases. Once again I know you are thinking,”what effect does this have on fat loss?”. A sickly body will not be willing to give up any of its fat reserves so health should always be a concern.

    The sugar contained in fruit is called fructose. Many people have come to believe that fructose is bad for you and will promote fat gain. This is simply not true. Fructose metabolizes differently than other types of sugar but it is still a great choice for carbohydrates. Fructose will restore liver glycogen levels quickly and muscle glycogen stores slowly. Although fructose is technically a sugar it does not cause a spike in blood sugar like many other sugars. This makes fruit and excellent choice for daily consumption.

    You have never heard someone say, “I used to be in great shape but then I started to eat fruit and I got fat!”. You will never hear anyone say this because fruit provides natural sugar that will not interfere with fat loss.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Laddyboy never said don't eat fruit or veggies. I said limit your fruit for fat loss and eat lots of veggies. Sugar is sugar whether it comes from coke or an apple. Your body reacts exactly the same way to it. I don't need any more education about it.
    If you're trying to lose weight you need to limit your fruit to 2-3 pieces a day for optimal fat loss with regards to sugar and promoting fat storage. Do a little research for yourself.