I need help with a plateau!



  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Maybe since you're training so hard, you could be losing fat but gaining more muscle? Not sure on this, but just a thought.

    Also, are you eating breakfast? I read Prevention magazine sometimes and recently they had an article about plateauing and one of the biggest issues they said was that people should be getting a breakfast anywhere from 350-400 calories and about 14 or 15 g of protein to get their metabolism started on the right track to start the day. A cup of milk and some good whole grain cereals usually does it for me :)

    Yep, I'm eating special k red berries with almond breeze or 1 egg plus 1 egg white omlete each morning with a coffee (no sugar and fat free creamer)
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    How long have you been stalled and over that period of time has it been a complete stallout? If not, what has been your total change in weight over that time period?

    I've been at a plateau for 2 weeks maybe and I've been fluctuating but not at a complete stand still
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I've been at a plateau for 2 weeks maybe and I've been fluctuating but not at a complete stand still

    I have a few comments:

    If you're indeed sitting around 1200 calories for intake, this is pretty low and in that regard, I'd agree with the other comments that you could probably up your intake.

    But having said that, I don't think two weeks is enough time for your to make an assessment about whether or not you're stuck. This isn't a plateau (yet) and it could be easily masked by water weight fluctuation.

    I would expect that "don't change anything" would work in your case, but again, if you're marathon training then 1200 kcals/day is just too low.

    It's not going to cause you to GAIN FAT, as that's not how things work when leptin and thyroid hormones downregulate due to low intake, but you're going to have performance issues and probably other issues due to low intake (satiety, micro insufficiencies, etc).

    EDIT: I'm typing out more crap so that I'm abundantly clear here: I think you should up your intake for reasons other than plateauing. I do not think enough time has elapsed to conclude anything about a plateau.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their help! It looks like the verdict is out and it's unanimous... I'm going to increase my calories. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go up to 1800 so maybe I'll shoot for 1400-1300. Does that still seem too low?
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Now can someone tell me how to change my calorie goal??? I'm lost here lol
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I want to thank everyone for their help! It looks like the verdict is out and it's unanimous... I'm going to increase my calories. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go up to 1800 so maybe I'll shoot for 1400-1300. Does that still seem too low?

    Yes still too low. You cannot let fear decide for you--if you want results you have to eat. Someone else can explain changing goals.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I took a look-see at your diary (it's helpful that you opened it when seeking advice, so thank you), and see that your protein is REALLY low. It is my understanding that you should have a gram of protein for each pound of weight as a ceiling. I've also read 1.5 grams per kilogram of current weight as a goal. I do not know which formula is best, but all sites recommend AT LEAST 100 grams protein for adults. Some sites recommmend one gram for each pound of your desired weight goal (in your case 120 grams)

    Some days this past week you had half a gram per pound, other days less than that. Feed the muscle that you are working so hard with your marathon training.

    Hope this helps... or even brings out information from another MFPer with more knowledge.

    I seem to have found myself back to plateau however recently when I was stuck (for months) upping my protein helped. After months of nothing I lost about 5lbs with protein and no other change. Just me- good luck!