Another New Member

Just found this place a few days ago via MakeUpAlley and I really like it.

My history: Have a very strong family history of obesity and all the health problems that go with it. Because of this, I've been working out and watching my diet since my early 20's.
When I turned 40, I gained close to 30 lbs and finally lost them 3 yrs ago. Since I'm turning 50 at the end of this year, it's time to lose the last 8 or so pounds. Do 50 right.

I already eat pretty clean with occasional cheats. My problems are portion control and emotional/hormonal eating. Since being here, I've done a better job of being accountable.

My workouts consists of a combination of weight training, Jillian Michaels/Jackie Warner dvds and walking/jogging.

Anyway, happy to be here