new here

I graduated from college almost a year ago, and losing that free gym on campus has been a setback to my health! I just got on here less than a week ago and already had a binge last night. Definitely in need of some buddies on here for support to stick with this!


  • rowanflame
    I'm new too!! I'll be your buddy! We'll support each other to reach our fitness goals!!
  • butttrffly
    I added you! I am a week new and love it! A bing is ok, I have one cheat day a week. Only because diet food makes me hungry. I miss butter and salt so much. I am not a sweets person so I do not have that battle. But I do understand the need for a good meal!
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    You definatly need to cheat every once in a while or your gonna go nuts. It will get easier the longer you stick with it. I am on everyday.... add me if you want. :smile:
  • ramrockrac
    I'm also just starting Out on here! Just about to embark on the 30 day shred DVD....
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    allow a cheat day once a week. I don't mean a 10,000 calorie cheat day, but have that pizza, or whatever it is you crave. I do 2 a day workouts on Sundays, so usually Sat night is my cheat day. Dinner out and an adult beverage or 2. I burn extra calories to compensate for the night before. Also, everything is fine in moderation. Eat a salad, then pizza (1 slice) or eat a huge plate of steamed veggies and a small serving (child's size) portion of whatever it is your craving. If you deny yourself you will binge, or worse quit trying to be healthier and gain more weight. Baby steps are the best. We all want the quick fix, the amazing pill and over night success. Truth is, it doesn't exist. Take your time, lose slowly and don't beat yourself up over the occasional "cheat" day or binge. Tomorrow is a new day:) I wish you the best in your journey:)
  • beeker75
    beeker75 Posts: 109
    I agree that a binge every once in a while is a necessity! I went and gave up ALL sweets for Lent, and I am here to tell you, Worst. Idea. EVER! I only allow 1 can of Pepsi/day. You just have to watch how often you binge, and by how much, and what it is. You would be surprised some of the things that are not too over-the-top! :) Good luck on mfp, I friended you, and I am sure you will get many more! There is a TON of wonderful, supportive people here! Good luck getting Healthy! :)
  • rosiekorzie
    rosiekorzie Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback! It's good to know a break from the diet every once in a while is a common necessity. I was feeling pretty guilty about that!
    But it is stressful to go over the calorie limit on MFP. But now I may allow myself one day a week to eat a little less strictly! :)